[Season 2] Part 6 - Fraser River

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Baby, any time you're ready

I'm waitin'

Even ten years from now

If you haven't found somebody

I promise, I'll be around

Tell me when you're ready

I'm waitin'

When You're Ready - Shawn Mendes



I wore my most hated fur jacket for the first time, but I had to because I was in Fraser River, Canada. The air temperature is around 15 to 18 degrees throughout the day. However, I like it because in the morning the sky is turquoise blue and at dusk the sky is pink. The river is fast. Many anglers come just to catch big fish and then release them again.

Just as water can clearly reflect the sky and trees only as long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of oneself when it is calm and completely relaxed. For this reason, Vinales and I decided to run away from our problems for a moment and vacation at the Frasher River for three days to fish.

We fished for rainbow trout and Pacific salmon. We built two tents on the banks of the Fraser River and Vinales built a campfire in the middle. People look at us like a couple on a date, but to me, it's like a vacation with friends. Occasionally he looked at me who was cold at night when we sat together in front of the campfire. However, his gaze was not a look of lust like Marc but rather affection.

"Try to hold the fishing rod yourself, Mia," said Vinales gently. He gave the fishing rod to me.

I'm laughing. "No, no. I can't fish."

Vinales smiled and kept forcing me to hold the fishing rod. He taught me how to fish. Starting from tying the hook to the fishing line, attaching bait to the hook, and throwing the fishing line. The most enjoyable part for me is the waiting because I can empty my mind and try to calm down.

Vinales doesn't talk as much as Marc. He can make me comfortable in his own way. He served me a cup of warm coffee.

"I'm glad you asked me here," he said. "This place is neither too busy nor too quiet."

"I know great places to date," I answered, laughing a little and then sipping my coffee slowly.

"So you think we're really dating?"

I laughed again. "No, I'm just kidding, Vin."

Vinales closed his eyes and looked down. "Really, I hope it's not a joke."

I raised my head, then he came closer.

"Marry me, Mia," said Vinales.

I was astonished. What a big jump. This is crazy. So crazy. I had a hard time masking my shock, but I tried to stay calm. "I can't, Vin," I answered, shaking my head.


"Because you belong to Cristina," I answered.

He chuckled. "Me and Cristina are over, Mia. You know that."

I took a breath and nodded. "Yeah. Because of me."

"Never mind, please don't discuss it any more," he said. The look on his face became sad and I just remained silent. "Just say you still love Marc," said Vinales again.

I raised my face. Hearing Vinales mention Marc's name again made my emotions ignite.

"No, Vin. I swear to God, I won't go back to him again! Ever!" I snapped irritably. My chest became tight after saying that while Vinales remained calm looking at me.

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