[Season 1] Part 10 - A Thousand Miles

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Life is like a prison for me if it is full of rules. However, living without it was something worse than living in prison.


Loving him is like being on a roller coaster.

You will feel afraid.

You will feel worried as if your seat belt could come off at any time and you could die.

But, you will also feel happy at the same time.

Until the thought emerged, that apparently it was okay to die because of it.

Falling with him into the sky was no problem.

As long as it's with him.



If I could fall into the sky

Do you think time would pass me by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you tonight


A month later..


Mia POV -

I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the mirror. Today I will take part in a photo shoot for a new Honda motorbike. Yes. Of course with their flagship rider, Marc Marquez.

I tried to strengthen myself and now I feel like I'm ready to meet him again. I walked to the shooting area. There were a few people there, but I didn't know where Marc was.

There are two motorbikes there. One was a new Honda motorbike and the other was a copy of a racing rider I knew, but something surprised me. On the front, the number is written 26 not 93.

"Hey, Mia!" someone said from behind.

I turned quickly. "Oh my God! Dani!" I immediately rushed towards him and hugged him.

"It's great to see you here, Dani! Are you well?"

Dani smiled, his smile could always calm anyone who saw it.

"Yes Mia, I'm healthy. You see, I can stand well now."

I smile. The last time I saw him was at the hospital, but wait, where is Marc?

"And, where is Marc?" I asked.

Dani was silent for a moment, he shrugged her shoulders. "He doesn't want to take part in this photo shoot Mia, and that's why I'm here. To replace him."

It's clear now. He doesn't want to see me anymore and he hates me now.

"Hey, you have to make me food later, okay?" said Dani trying to cheer me up, but I only responded with a faint smile.


Dani and I walked around the photo studio while drinking a can of soda. We had finished shooting, but we decided to chat first before stopping by my apartment.

"So you're with Vinales now, huh? I remember the first time I met Marc after he came back from Jakarta, his face was really bad." Dani started the conversation again.

I took a deep breath. "Actually, I wasn't really with Vinales. Marc accidentally saw Vinales almost kissing me on the forehead. They fought, then Vin and I said that we were already dating. I was stupid for saying that, Dan. When Vin should have said it, I immediately denied it... but I actually confirmed Vin's statement."

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