[Season 1] Part 1 - Visit Dani 2

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Marc POV -

HER eyes were still the same as the last time I looked at her. In fact she has not changed at all, including her attitude that still looks annoyed at me.

"Excuse me, Dan. I have to go."

Her voice was soft but firm. What is clear, there is suffering there.

As she passed me, I almost pulled her hand to stop. But she didn't even want to glance at me. Honestly, I prefer to see her looking at me with a murderous look rather than having to be like this.

When she was out of the room, I was still frozen.

"Can I talk to you?" Dani's voice awakened me from daydream. I pulled the chair and sat beside him.

"Yeah, I came here to talk to you about something, Dan." I said.

"Ok, explain now! What's the matter?" Dani asked.

"We have a new tire," I replied.

"Shit! I don't want to talk about new tires, Marc! I want to talk about you!" Dani's tone of voice became higher now.

I laughed so hard. "Dani, this is the first time I've heard you say those words, can you repeat again?"

"Stop, Marc! Do you think I'm kidding? What the hell is wrong with you and Mia?!!"

I stopped laughing when I heard the name. "Just... nothing."

"Tell me Marc, what's wrong?" Dani urged.

I looked at him. "We're in trouble, Dan."

"What is the problem?" Dani asked.

"The problem is terrible, Dan." My voice immediately changed, became lower now. "I hangout with Stella last week."

Dani frowned. "Stella Maxwell?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"You hangout with her?" Dani asked again.

"Yeah, and Mia found out," I replied, nodding.

"Oh, I think it's worse than that. I don't know that Mia has high jealousy." Dani looked away from me and was calmer now.

We paused, until then he continued. "Unless you do something worse with Stella."

I looked at him as he looked at me at the same time. "I kissed her and slept with her, Dan."

Dani's gaze turned very bad on me and the words came out.


He was very angry but I remained silent.

"I always believe in you. Say good things to her about you so you can be with her forever. But you destroy everything Marc!" Dani said angrily.

"Yes, Dani. This is my fault." I replied.

"Now you admit it!" Dani said.

"I'm drunk," I said, lowering my head.

"Are you drunk again? Didn't she tell you to stop?" Dani asked.

"I hate the rules, and I hate!" I said.

"Shit with that! You are jerk!" he said. "Look now, Marc! You will lose her! "

I keep quiet. My heart stopped when he said the last sentence.

Dani tries to control himself. "Do you still love her or not?"

This time I looked into his eyes earnestly. "Yes."

"Then, chase her, Marc!" Dani said.

"I... I can't, Dan. I feel so bad. As you said... I'm a bastard," I said.

"Then change, Marc! Stop drinking alcohol and stop sleeping with a bitch!" Dani said.

I'm silent again.

"She's really a nice woman, Marc. You will regret it if you lose it." Dani said again, he really did.

I see it. "Yes, indeed. But, I don't know I'll fight her back or not." I pushed my chair back and left him. "Get well soon, I will see you soon."




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