[Season 1] Part 4 - Let Me Think 1

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"GET out of me, Marc!"

I pushed it hard when he tried to lock me again. His body is like an alcohol bottle running! "You're drunk again Marc!"

He just grinned and chuckled. His face was red, characteristic when he was too happy or too passionate. He is like a wolf starving and ready to pounce on its prey.

"Are you going with your bitch again?" I snapped.

He chuckled. "Only one of my bitches ..." he answered as he pointed his index finger.

"Do you have a lot of bitch eh?" I asked, smiling bitterly.

He laughed again.

"What are you doing with her?"

"Nothing...," he said, coughing. "We just hangout, chat, drink..."

"Then you kiss her and slept with her, Marc ?!"

He smiled again. Disgusting, he replied. "Yeah..."

This time I really moved. "Who is her?!"

Still with his eyes half closed he answered. "Stella ... with Stella Maxwell ... and she ... is great ..." he said with a chuckle.

My heart is instantly destroyed. Just destroyed. My tears decay without being able to hold it anymore. The man I have loved so far has betrayed me. In fact, he claimed to have many bitches. Hard to believe, after all the things that have happened, he can still have the heart to betray me. I always let him do whatever he likes, go wherever he wants, or even kiss by anyone close to him. But this time really he has crossed the line! How can he do it? Even though here I am always faithfully waiting for him. Just because I don't want to "do that" with him, he has heart to betray me.

"We've finished Marc! I'm done with you!" I said as I walked quickly past it. He held my hand, but I easily brushed it off. The staggered drunk fell on the floor,

"Mia ... Don't go Mia! I'm only loving you! Mia!"

"Bullshit!" My heart is in my heart. Then I leave him.




Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now