[Season 2] Part 7 - An Open Door

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You could break my heart in two

But when it heals, it beats for you

I know it's forward, but it's true

Back To You - Selena Gomez


[Aragon Circuit - SPAIN]



The sound slipped into my room where the door was slightly ajar. I know whose voice it is. It was Marc's voice. Tyra quickly got up and closed the door.

"He's still like a child," Tyra said as she walked towards me. "When he loses his toy, he immediately wants a new one."

I just listened silently. My hands played with the buttons on the Vinales jacket that I was still wearing. "I don't care."

Then I took a deep breath and looked at Tyra who was now sitting next to me.

"I met Vinales' parents yesterday," I said, trying to change the conversation.

Tyra raised her eyebrows. It was clear she looked very enthusiastic. Tyra is one of the many people who supports my relationship with Vinales and hates my relationship with Marc.

"That's great! Then?"

I smiled faintly. "I didn't expect them to like me."

Tyra smiled too. "You are an easy person to like, Mia. Especially if you dress more modestly," said Tyra. "You weren't dressed like this when you met them, were you?" she asked, pointing to the tank top and mini skirt I was wearing.

I chuckled. "Of course not," I answered. "I wore a midi dress again for the first time yesterday."

"That's good. Then use it now," said Tyra.

I shook my head quickly. "No. Marc really hates my clothes now. Tank tops and miniskirts. He really hates this. That's why I will continue to wear them, because I hate Marc too," I said.

"So this is like revenge?" Tyra asked.

"Yes," I answered.

Tyra took a breath. She shook her head. Maybe she thought, I'm very childish too― just like Marc. Just leave it alone, she has the right to think as she pleases. My thoughts are now overlapping incoherently. All I know is that I just hate Marc and have to forget her because she broke up with me. Oh, one more thing, now I am Vinales' fiancee.

"Mia, the first thing you have to do to start a new life happily is to forgive your past. Forgive Marc, try to be friends with him."

"That's impossible," I answered quickly.

"Then you still love him," Tyra said.

I rubbed my face with both hands.

"Remember now you belong to Vinales. You are engaged."

I looked at the ring on my ring finger and smiled. "This ring is very beautiful," I said with a faint smile. For some reason, instead of being enthusiastic, my voice was weak, like despair.

"Marc has also proposed to another girl, right?" said Tyra.

"And getting married soon," I added quickly. "He said that earlier, right?"

Tyra nodded. I took a deep breath and thought for a moment. "Okay, I'll try your suggestion, Tyra. Thank you."

Tyra smiled and rubbed my shoulder gently. "Oh yeah, you know? There's a charity event in Madrid tomorrow. Come there," said Tyra.

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin