[Season 2] Part 15 - Wedding Surprise

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I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That's the reason

You Are The Reason - Calum Scott, Leona Lewis



Marc turned his face to look straight at someone walking in front of me. I followed his gaze and saw a man wearing a white shirt with a gray jacket and dark blue tie walking towards us. It's hard to believe my own eyes, but it's true, it's Vinales.

I dug around in my heart looking for feelings of longing, but it turned out there was nothing other than a feeling of relief to see him come to mine and Marc's wedding because I thought, that meant he wasn't angry with me.


"Am I late?" he asked with a smile.

"Actually you're a little late," said Marc.

I looked at Marc's face. He smiled at Vinales too. I didn't know what was going on in his mind, or what he had planned, or what had happened between them.

But I can see it seems like they have made up. I'm sure Marc was angry with Vinales for dating me, and Vinales also hated Marc―I know that.

But long before I came, they were good friends. They were rivals, they bumped into each other on the track, but after that they made up again. They both have advantages and disadvantages. Not one hundred percent the same, but actually they are similar.

Marc put his arm around Vinales and patted him lightly on the back. "Thanks for coming, I know she will be happy."

Vinales just kept quiet and smiled. After Marc let go of his hug, he looked at me.

Marc kissed my forehead gently. "I think my mother wants to dance," he said. "I'll leave you guys for a moment." He turned to look at Vinales. "Don't take her away, okay?"

Marc and Vinales laughed together, then after that Marc walked away from us.

Vinales came closer to me and stretched out his hand. "Can I dance with Mrs. Marquez?"

I couldn't hold back my smile. "Of course."

Vinales put his hands on my waist and I clung to him. My feet seemed to float following his movements left and right to match the music.

"Everything is complete now," I whispered over his shoulder. "Are you okay with Cristina?"

"Not yet, I don't think she is the right woman for me," said Vinales. His face became sad.

I let go of my hug. "I'm sorry, Vin. This is all my fault."

"No. Don't say that again, Mia." Vinales looked straight at me.

"You're very kind, Vin. I hope you find a better girl than me."

Vinales shook his head. "There's no one better than you, Mia," he whispered.

"Don't be like that, Vin. I'm married." I immediately turned my body back and moved a little away from him.

He looked at me disappointed. "You know I can make you happier than Marc."

I saw he was serious, so I clenched my jaw in anger. "I just love Marc, Vin." I'm trying to be firm now, not wanting to give him any more room to develop his feelings. Because that would only hurt his heart, now I'm officially Marc's.

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