[Season 2] Part 8 - The Party

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Do you think about me?

Do you feel the same way, babe?

Do you remember how it felt?

And I'm not trying to ruin your happiness

But darling don't you know that

I'm the only one for you

Ruin - Shawn Mendes




Real or not real?

I saw a big black labrador dog barking right in front of my cellphone screen. Then the dog entered the clear swimming pool behind it. Not long after, I heard a loud voice laughing calling the dog's name.

"Minnie... Minnie...." she called.

It wasn't the dog's name that surprised me. But that voice. The woman's voice.

A few seconds later, the camera reversed and revealed a very familiar face. Mia. One strong arm hung around her left shoulder. That's Vinales. They laughed together in front of the camera, then kissed intimately. Kissing in front of the camera.

My breath suddenly hitched and it was hard to take in any more air. I felt my whole body stiffen. My hands tried to stop the video and threw my cellphone far away, but my hands were stiff. Like it can't be moved.

They are still kissing on my cellphone screen. Closing her eyes then accompanied by a small laugh and a smile like she was teasing me.

This is crazy. But for some reason my heart suddenly felt sick. Stings. Then after that it's black.


I woke up from my sleep after a nightmare ruined it. I'm really lucky, it was just a dream.

I rubbed my face and gathered myself. Even though it was just a dream, for some reason my heart ached.

It took several minutes for me to fully wake up from the nightmare I had just had. After that, I looked around and saw a woman not far from me standing facing the window.

I opened my eyes wide and leaned forward so I could see her clearly.

"Laia?" I guess. "When are you coming?"

She turned around. That's right Laia.

Laia walked towards me. She folded her arms under her chest.

With a sour face, she answered. "Just before you heard Mia's name."

I flinched, but I just kept quiet. Hiding my anxiety has never been so difficult. I swallowed hard. Tried to find a good answer, but I couldn't find it.

Before I could reply to her words, Laia walked towards the door first. I immediately got out of bed and chased her.

"Don't go Laia, sorry," I said.

Laia stopped walking when my hand grabbed one of hers. She just kept quiet and looked down. I saw tears already welling up in the corners of her eyes.

I guess, her heart and mind are now full of painful assumptions and theories about my feelings for Mia. Whether it's right or wrong, I don't even know how I feel now. But I don't want to see her cry.

I lifted her chin, looked deep into her eyes, then pressed my lips to hers.

This was the first time I kissed Laia after the last kiss many years ago. And this kiss feels empty. Like empty without meaning. Until Laia put her hand forward to press the nape of my neck to kiss it deeper. Then I felt her hand come up, pulling my hair lightly.

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now