[Season 2] Part 3 - Knee High Boots

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Help me, it's like the walls are caving in

Sometimes I feel like giving up

But I just can't

It isn't in my blood

In My Blood - Shawn Mendes




I walked towards Marc who was already looking at me from afar. The flash of the camera that captured my every step didn't bother me in the slightest because now I only focused my gaze on Marc.

It takes a lot of courage to change my appearance, but, for Marc's sake, I'll do whatever it takes.

Everyone looked at me with astonished, amazed, and even strange looks. Maybe because they're not used to seeing me looking like this.

I wore a tank top just below my chest like a bra and a black mini skirt - very different from me who usually always wears a midi dress or modest blouse to almost all the events I attend. The high-heeled knee boots that I wear now also make me more confident.

"Hi, Marc," I said when I arrived in front of him.

He was still looking at me without blinking.

I touched his shoulder with my fingers. He immediately turned towards the part of the body that I was holding and I saw his face was red. He's horny.

"Mia, why are you dressed like this, babe?" he asked softly.

I could see some of his mechanic friends, even Jose, still looking at me.

"Let's just go to your room?" I asked without paying attention to his question.

Marc immediately got up. Without taking his eyes off my body, he followed me to his room.


I sat him on the sofa. His eyes were still fixed looking at me up and down. I stood in front of him smiling seductively, but he just kept quiet and looked at me. I don't know what's going through his mind.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked pretending to be innocent.

"Mia, you look..." his words trailed off.

"Beautiful?" I asked.

"You're always beautiful," he answered.

"Sexy?" I asked again.

He was silent for a moment. Then his eyes stopped right on mine. "You look... different."

I was astonished. That's not the answer I expected. I dress like this so he will worship me, want me, but why does he...

"Never mind, I have to go to the front," said Marc and then left. "I have to prepare for free practice," he added.

I don't understand anymore. I remained silent, digesting the situation that had occurred. Meanwhile, Marc just walked past me towards the door then left me alone in the room.

A few moments later, after finishing free practice, Marc returned to the paddock but he wasn't looking for me. I thought, as usual he was busy with his team discussing motorbikes.

Finally, after finishing my own work, I went into my room and waited for Marc. About an hour later, I felt he was finished with his motorbike and had changed clothes. I immediately looked for Marc in his room, but then I saw an unpleasant sight presented in front of me.

I saw Marc sitting on the sofa in front of the flat TV with a blonde woman to his right. I know it's Paoli- Umberella Girl Marc. I've read several articles that say that Paoli is Marc's favorite UG. So far, I have never met Paoli in person - or even know how close he is to Marc. I just saw their photos spread widely on Instagram. But now, I know.

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