[Season 1] Part 11 - I Don't Want Anything Else

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Am I dead?

I opened my eyes slowly. The first thing I saw was a white spot, dimly lit, then spread evenly into the roof ceiling with a few spots. All my body aches. I don't know how long I slept. It feels like a long time ago.

The last time I remember was that I was in Jakarta, driving my own car to my apartment after visiting a charity event. Then because the road I usually use was jammed, I chose another road and suddenly a truck hit me from the opposite direction. After that I didn't feel anything anymore.

Maybe it was the truck driver's fault for speeding, or maybe it was my fault for driving while daydreaming. Thinking about the reasons why I daydream makes my body feel even more painful. The reason is still the same, I'm thinking about a guy who's been in my head for weeks. The last face I saw from him was a sad face because he saw me with another man.

Then I tried to strengthen myself and move my left hand, suddenly I bumped into something.

I looked over there, and it was an arm. Marc Marquez's arm.

Marc Marquez. The man I've been thinking about for weeks, and the reason I daydream while driving. He fell asleep next to my bed with half his face buried in his arms. The other half is facing me.

I looked at him... how long had it been since we'd seen each other? Why did he get here? His face looked very tired. He is sleeping now. Really sleep.

Then I reached out my hand to stroke his head gently. His hair was very messy. But he's still handsome. I smiled seeing him. Oh my God, what have I done? I really miss him.

Suddenly his eyes blinked, he woke up.


The first word he said was my name.

I smiled at him. "Hi, Marc," I said.

He looked at me worried. Relieved and worried.

He quickly stood up. "Are you awake? I'll call a doctor."

When he was about to leave, I grabbed his hand. He immediately turned to me.

"Marc," I called softly.

He came closer and sat beside me. His eyes are sad. Me too, but I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I cry.

"I'm sorry, Marc," I said. I held his hand tightly. He looked at me deeply. "Forgive me."

He just fell silent then leaned his face towards mine. He kissed my lips gently, very gently. He repeated this four or five times. Very soft, but also very deep. I felt tears fall from his cheeks, wetting mine too.

He broke the kiss and looked at me. "What are you apologizing for? I should be the one apologizing, Mia. I'm the one who's more at fault," he said. "I'm a bastard." His lips trembled.

I'm still looking at him. Then I grabbed his face and kissed him again.

"I promise, I won't do it again, Mia. We'll start everything from the beginning," said Marc.

I smiled at that, he looked serious. Then I nodded with a smile. He smiled and then he hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

"I love you, Mia. I love you," he said.

I'm still sobbing. "I love you too, Marc," I replied softly.

He released his hug. "Now I will call the doctor first," he said then kissed my forehead. I just looked at him, and he walked out of the room.


A few weeks later...



Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang