[Season 1] Part 3 - He's Like A Bastard! 2

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I widened when I found Jose trying to eavesdrop on us. But I don't care. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. I've broken many contracts. I should always be on the Honda paddock. But these 2 days I'm more often on a Yamaha paddock.

And now, I want to go home immediately. If needed, i will go back to my home country, Indonesia. Because I'm really done with Marc. He thinks I've forgiven him, even though I did it to  stopped him.

Every time I see his face, my heart feels very sick because I immediately imagine him sleeping with that bitch. We have never even "done it". I can't believe he can betray me. Really, I'm done him.

"Why are you packing your things, Mia?"

That's Tyra-assistant and my manager. Maybe she can be your mother's age, I don't know. What is clear is that she is ten years older than me. She divorced her husband and had to make a living on her own. Because she had been in the entertainment world for a long time as the manager of another artist in Indonesia, she was drawn by my label to become my manager for a very expensive fee.

Even though she is older than me, her body is good and very healthy. She is also beautiful with long curly black hair and brown eyes. I imagine if she already has a child from the results of his marriage first, if his daughter is, surely she is as beautiful as Tyra. But unfortunately, she doesn't have it. It is beauty, wisdom and maturity that might make the Turkish man who is now her boyfriend love to die on Tyra. But unfortunately, they still have not decided to continue the relationship in a more serious direction.

"We have finished Tyra, I will stop from here." I said.

"Stop? What do you mean? Then what about the contract?" asked Tyra.

"I'll take care of it later. If necessary I will return the money," I said, continuing to pack my things.

"You can't do this Mia, remember? You have to be professional. Don't act like a child!" Tyra said.

I stopped my activities and sat weak. I cry. "He betrayed me Tyra! And he kissed me like a bastard!" I shouted, my face turned red.

Tyra hugs me. "I know he's sickening, but I beg you, hold on for a little while. Your contract is only a few months away right? After it's finished, I won't force you to extend it."

I looked at her in despair, at first glance I remembered about Vinales and the words Marc said earlier,

"He only uses you to defeat me!"

He said what I thought. Then now I think about it again. Is that true?

But he did laugh with Rossi too. They seem to "conspire". And Marc?

He is the same! He thought I didn't know if he took me back because of his ego and ambition? He doesn't want anyone to beat him, especially Vinales or Rossi! They are the same!

"That's it! This is enough, Tyra! I will really go back to Indonesia. I beg you to help me, Tyra." I said.

Tyra sighed. "Alright, I understand. I'll take care of everything now."




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