[Season 2] Part 13 - Met Mama Roser

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"Mom, Dad, I want to marry Mia."

Marc Marquez held my hand tightly in front of his parents. We sat on the couch in Marc's parents' living room at Cervera a week after Marc was released from the hospital.

Alex stood behind his parents' chairs looking at us seriously too.

I don't know what marriage means to you. But for me and Marc, marriage is a union. Not only is it a union of two people with different characteristics, but also their families. Therefore, the blessing of Marc's parents is very important for us.

Papa Marc―Julia. He is very kind. His face was very calm and had Marc's pleasant smile. We've met several times on the circuit. He was very happy when he heard that Marc was going to marry me.

But Mama Roser―Marc's mother, she just stared at me silently. I would have been immediately paralyzed. Maybe she was thinking, do I speak Spanish? Can I cook Spanish food as delicious as it is?

Correct. I can't.

I don't know anything about Spain. Maybe if Marc left me on the road, I would definitely get lost and it would take a long time to get home. All I know is that I just love Marc and want to marry him.

I know who I really am. We are very different. Indonesia and Spain―it's very far away. The food, the language, the customs. Very, very different.

I could feel the doubt that appeared in Mama Roser's eyes because of my differences with her now.

Maybe the only thing I have in common with Mama Roser is that we both love Marc. We are both afraid that something bad could happen to Marc on the race track, but we are one hundred percent behind him in becoming world champion.

Then, Mama Roser said something in Spanish. I don't know what she said, but it didn't seem good. Because I saw the look on his face that was not happy and he shouted at Marc a little.

Marc replied evasively―using Spanish too. Meanwhile I glanced at Alex, hoping he would try to translate for me, but Alex just shook his head.

Then at last Mama Roser sighed loudly and looked at me once more. She said something―still in Spanish, but her tone was very calm.

I looked at Marc, he was smiling broadly. Then Papa Julia and Alex also smiled.

I whispered to Marc. "What did your mother say, Marc?"

He just stared at me silently and kissed my forehead gently. The smile was still on his lips.

Then Alex came closer to us. "Our mother said, when can we get a wedding dress fitting for you?"

I looked at Marc.

"As soon as possible, darling?" Marc asked gently.

I blushed furiously while trying to restrain myself from hugging Marc. But it was Marc who without hesitation embraced me in front of his parents and younger siblings.

To my surprise, Mama Roser actually wanted everything to be perfect. All the ins and outs of Marc and I's wedding were all under her control without a Wedding Organizer. She chose all the details for our wedding. From the chrysanthemum flower arrangements installed in every corner of the room, to the invitations. She was even willing to go back and forth from Cervera to Barcelona, because Marc and I were going to have a wedding at our house there.

Tyra helps her with orders and ensures shipments arrive on time. To be honest, she's busy too, because she has to go back and forth to order catering and souvenirs for the guests.

"I thought of something unique but simple," said Marc when he met Tyra and me in Barcelona before ordering souvenirs. Yes, after getting back with Marc, I ended up living in Marc's Barcelona house.

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