[Season 2] Part 5 - A Slap

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I'm so sorry

We're still stuck in the middle

I'm so sorry

'Cause in the moment I don't know what it's like to be you

Shawn Mendes ft Julia Michaels - Like To Be You



After breaking up with Mia, my life became less interesting. I lost interest in almost everything except motorbikes.

That's why I spent hours with Santi immersing myself with the motorbike in the garage to disassemble it, then put it back together. Occasionally I pick it up and take it around the circuit. After getting tired, I immediately went back to my room and slept like the dead.

I didn't expect that the actions I had taken over the weeks would worry so many people. Finally my friends took turns coming to visit me in the paddock. And this time it was a family visit.

My father, for the first time, came back to my paddock after all this time he was always in my brother's paddock-- Alex. Alex was also with him to accompany me. Even though I felt fine. Just maybe feeling empty. But I don't want to be talked to.

However, it wouldn't be my family if they didn't have something to chat about warmly.

"I heard that recently Vinales has been trying to get close to your girlfriend, Marc. Don't you want to go back to her again?" My dad started.

Alex quickly nudged his arm. "Papa, why discuss that?" Alex asked. "Marc won't go back to Mia. He hates Mia dressing sexy."

"Is it true?" My father's eyebrows rose. "How sexy?"

"Very sexy, Uncle. When I first saw her at the circuit, I almost didn't recognize it was Mia," said Jose, who was sitting next to me.

I just listened to them in silence.

"Maybe she dressed like that to please you, Marc, but why did you decide?" asked my father again. His face turned confused.

"Marc is possessive, Dad. How can he keep quiet when Jose looks at Mia lustfully every time he meets her?" Alex said then he laughed.

Jose quickly threw Alex with a sofa pillow. "Damn you, Alex! I already have a wife!"

But it's true, in my heart. I couldn't see the eyes of a male male looking at Mia's body. No. Only I can do it.

I massaged my temples slowly. "I just want her to think that I don't like her dressing like that," I said. "She also fired Paoli just because she was jealous. She still hasn't changed. Always blindly jealous."

My father frowned. "She fired Paoli? But what I heard was that Honda's leadership immediately fired her. Many people saw it at that time, Marc. Mia did not agree with the Honda leadership's decision."

I turned my attention to my father. "Is that true?" I asked.

My father shrugged his shoulders. "At least that's what I heard."

"Come back to her, Marc. I think Vinales really likes Mia," said Alex. He walked over to the refrigerator next to the TV and opened it.

"Oh my God, the cake from Mom a week ago is still intact? Do you want to die from being scolded by Mom, Marc?" he said half shouting. Alex took the cake and was about to throw it in the trash.

"Stop, Alex! Come here," I said.

Alex came closer to me, then I quickly grabbed the cake that was in his hand and immediately stuffed it into my mouth.

Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now