[Season 1] Part 2 - Negative Thinking 2

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DAY 2 Qualifications ....


"The race is sucks!"

I throw my shoes to the wall.

The door opened, "Are you okay?" That's Jose-my assistant.

"No!" I replied harshly.

"What happened?" Jose asked.

"Everyone asks me about that! But you have to ask Mia!" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh, Mia again. So it's still because of her..."

"Of course! She is still mine!" I replied.

"But in the article said, you broke up with her, Marc?" Jose asked.

"Fuck with that article! She is still mine!" I said. "But she's been with Vinales these past two days! She always goes with him and is on the paddock all day! And what's worse? Vinales stealing my pole! Here in Austin! Shit! This is the worst day ever! "

Jose just stopped looking at me. Confused.

I stood up and walked out. He called my name but I didn't want to hear it.




Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now