[Season 1] Part 7 - Lost

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"The worst part about losing him was losing me."

I looked at Vinales' face, who was very happy. He and all the other riders were on holiday after the race. And he deliberately went to Indonesia to meet me.

We were at one of the busy amusement parks in Jakarta. Unexpectedly, he didn't complain at all when everyone noticed him and asked to take photos with him. He patiently served his fans one by one who asked for photos. He also really likes some of the games here like a child. He loves kids too!

One of the little girls with her hair in two ponytails approached us. I don't know if he really recognized Vinales as a MotoGP racer or he approached us because Vinales is very handsome. On her cheek is a small painting of a pink butterfly.

She is very cute wearing a red t-shirt and mini skirt. She tugged at Vin's trousers. Vin automatically bent his knees and brought his face closer to the little girl. Then the little girl whispered something to Vin. And suddenly the little girl kissed him. Vin was shocked, but then he laughed, then he kissed the little girl back on the cheek while hugging her.

And suddenly Vin's face changed to Marc's face. Marc's face that I miss. Every detail is the same. Marc's trademark wide smile, his laugh, the way he listened to the little girl talk, and the way he glanced at me every now and then. That was Marc. My knees suddenly went weak. My vision blurred, and I quickly looked away.

Oh, God! Am I really bad now? He might be over there being tormented because I ignored him for days, but here I am hanging out with another man.

However, this is not much, right?

Marc has even slept with the bitch!

Wait..., but is that true?

Maybe he didn't mean to...

Maybe that bitch teased him first...

Maybe he can't control himself...

Marc was drunk at that time, right?

Someone holds my hand.

"Are you okay, Mia?"

That's Vinales.

Yes, indeed Vinales. There is only Vinales here and not Marc.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered while massaging my temples slowly.

"Okay. Let's go," he said, taking my hand. However, I quickly dismissed it.

"Come on, Vin," I said, smiling and walking ahead of him.

He was surprised when I brushed him off, but then he smiled too and followed me.


Finally we arrived at my apartment too. I'm very tired, and intend to rest immediately. After saying goodbye to Vinales, I immediately turned around and was about to open the door, but suddenly Vinales blocked me.

"Mia...," he looked straight at me, "Will you be mine?"

I was astonished. He just met me today. We only became close a few days after I broke up with Marc. And now he wants me to be his. What's this crazy thing?

"It's too fast, Vin," I answered, looking down.

"Please, Mia..." he said as he tried to hold my hand again, but I let go.

"I don't know, Vin. I still can't..."

"Can't forget Marc yet?" he continued. He looked at me with a half-frustrated look.

I swallowed hard.

"Listen, Mia, I'll wait," he said. His voice had started to calm down and not be urgent.

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