Wow! Another Author's Note! Swanky!

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Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals! How's it going?

I'm doing good, but there are a few things I wanted to say:

1. WE HAVE MORE THAN 2K VIEWS AND OVER 200 VOTES! GUYS! THANK YOU SO MUCH! You're all so amazing and I really am still not over all the support I've gotten doing this. I remember when I had like, 17 views and didn't think I would even get close to more than 2000. And people actually like reading it, so... Thank you. For everything.

2. Welp. I have writers block. And it sucks. I try to write something, and then my brain's all like, "nah." But really, idk what to write, and this, along with my one shots, might take little bit for the next chapter to come out. Idk. I might get over it soon. But I wanna write something not super sucky, so if you have any suggestions for things to write, lemme know. I'm probably gonna start with a few one shots since I'm throwing random things in that book anyways, but really... If there's anything you wanna read/want me to write, I'm happy to do it (just no smut please)(but I'll do like anything else, so...) But hopefully that should get me going again! 

Anyways, if you're still reading this, thank you! Hope you're enjoying the story, and stay swaggy!

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