Chapter 18: Jeremy

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Jeremy's POV

The hallway in the school was empty, and eerily quiet. "Jeremy Heere," a voice called. Jeremy felt dread pooling in his stomach as he slowly turned around. He would recognize that voice anywhere. His squip stood there, hands on his hips, looking impatient.

Jeremy felt like he should say something, but he had no idea what. He supposed the squip could tell what he was thinking anyways. Shit. SHIT! He felt himself breathing heavily, hyperventilating. He was frozen in panic. What should he do? What should he-

"Jer?" Jeremy turned around to see Michael standing there smiling. 

"Michael!" Jeremy called. At least Michael was with him. He still had some Mountain Dew Red left over, just in case. He could help him! Suddenly Michael's face darkened. He wasn't looking at Jeremy, but rather behind him. But the only thing behind Jeremy was... Oh, shit. Wait, could Michael even see-

"Jeremy. W-why... did you get another squip?" Michael's voice was filled with pain. It made Jeremy feel sick. "I-I thought I was good enough for you..." Michael's hands were clenched in tight fists, tears flooded his eyes. "I THOUGHT I WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU, JEREMY!" He yelled, and he turned and ran off.

"Michael! MICHAEL!" Jeremy cried. He turned back to the squip, "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" How was the squip even back? Oh god. What had he done? When had he... He didn't want answers, he just wanted Michael. So Jeremy took off running.

"MICHAEL! WAIT COME BACK! MICHAEL!" He called, voice aching. The hallway seemed to stretch on forever. Suddenly he saw Michael standing there, perfectly still, staring at him. As he got closer, he could make out the tears running down the other boy's cheeks. "Michael..." Jeremy said in a hushed tone.

"So, Jeremiah," Michael began, sneering his name. His full name. Michael knew he hated his full name. "What's up with the squip? Want to go running back to Christine? Or is it that Zoe girl? Or someone else completely? I don't even know with you anymore." Venom filled his words, and it made Jeremy's heart ache.

"Michael, I-" Jeremy began.

"NO! You don't get it! This isn't the first time you've cast me out, and it sure as hell isn't the last time. So that's it. We're done Jeremy. This time I'm the one giving you up. It's better that way. We both know that. No more best friends. No more player two. No more boyfriends. I'm sorry that you couldn't stop being an inconsiderate asshole." And then he turned and walked away. 

Jermey tried to follow, but his feet wouldn't move. "Michael! MICHAEL!" He screamed, voice cracking. If he could explain... "MICHAEL!" he screamed again. If he could explain it all to Michael... He had no idea how the squip was back. He loved Michael. A lot. He felt tears running down his face. If he could just explain...

As Michael faded from view, the squip placed a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. "It's for the best, Jeremy."

Jeremy sat bolt upright in bed. He was drenched in sweat, and tears ran down his cheeks. It was just a dream. Just a dream. A terrifying dream. He fumbled around, trying to find his phone.

He needed to talk to someone. The phone rang once. Twice. Three times. "Hello? Jer? It's late, man, what's up?" Michael asked tierdly. Jeremy had obviously woken him up. It was such a relief to hear his voice that he didn't even really care.

"C-can you c-come over? P-please. N-now. Please." Jeremy forced out.

"Jer? What's wrong? I'm coming over. Is the door unlocked?" Michael asked nervously.

Jeremy nodded, before realizing that Michael couldn't hear him nodding. "Y-yeah," he replied.

"Okay. Be there soon." Michael hung up. 

Jeremy sat there, frozen in his bed, the only noise his heavy breathing and his crying. He wasn't sure how long it had been when Michael finally came into his room. He felt like he had been waiting forever, but it also seemed like no time had passed. 

He looked up at Michael and started crying harder. He was wearing his sweatshirt and a pair of old, flannel pajama pants. Michael pressed a kiss to Jeremy's forehead before sitting down on the bed. He wrapped his arms around Jeremy, who leaned into his touch, sobbing into Michael's shoulder. "It's okay. You're okay, Jer. It's gonna be okay," Michael whispered, rubbing Jeremy's back.

Jeremy hugged him back tightly. He tried to speak, but couldn't say anything, just cry. 

"Jer, what happened?" Michael asked softly.

"A-are you really here?" Jeremy questioned nervously. What if this was just another dream? 

"Yeah. I'm here." Michael replied. "Did something happen?"

"I-I... had a nightmare. About the s-squip. And you. And y-you h-hated me." Jermey cried harder after finishing his explanation, collapsing into Michael's arms.

"Jer..." Michael trailed off. "I could never hate you." Jeremy must've still seemed skeptical, because Michael cupped his hands around Jeremy's face and looked him straight in his eyes. "I love you Jeremy." And then he kissed him. Jeremy melted into the kiss. It felt so good. And Michael didn't hate him. Jeremy ran his hand through Michael's hair as the other boy deepened the kiss further. Jeremy moaned softly. 

Jeremy wasn't quite sure how long it lasted, he just knew that he didn't want it to stop. Once they did finish, Jeremy met Michael's eyes and pulled them back together. And then they were kissing again. The kiss was gentle, yet passionate. Jeremy wished he could do this forever. Once it ended, he sighed and wiped his eyes.

Michael stood up slowly. "Well, you seem to be feeling a little better. It's kinda late. Do you want me to go or-"

"Stay." Jeremy said quickly. "Please, Michael. Stay." 

Michael looked a little nervous. "We have school tomorrow. Are you sure you want me to-"

"You don't want me to have another nightmare, do you?" Jeremy asked. "Please, Michael." He added.

Michael didn't need much convincing. "Okay." He sat back down while Jeremy pulled the blankets back over himself. Michael sat there for a moment as Jeremy got comfortable, seemingly lost in thought.

"You can get in if you want." Jeremy said quietly.

It must've snapped Michael out of whatever thought he was having, because he replied, "Oh! Right!" Jeremy was sure that if it weren't so dark, he would see Michael blushing. And then he laid down.

Jeremy scooted closer to Michael, so his head was resting on the other boy's chest. Michael seemed not to mind, he sighed happily and started gently playing with Jeremy's hair. Jeremy felt himself smiling a little as he drifted towards sleep.

Michael was here.

Michael didn't hate him.

Michael would never hate him.

Michael loved him.

(A/N AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Ok guys. Omg guys. So. How are you? I'm good, thanks for asking. But, um, anyways, let me know what you think! You guys are awesome!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now