Chapter 5: Jeremy

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Jeremy's POV

Jeremy's first day at school was pretty uneventful. It was fine but... nothing really happened. Well, he did see that girl. 

Jeremy had figured out her name, Zoe. Her name was Zoe Murphy. And that guy who had pushed Evan? That was her brother. Jeremy wasn't sure about him. He seemed like a jerk. Anyways, Jeremy wasn't thinking too much about that after school. He was too busy playing Apocalypse of the Damned with Michael.

"So..." Michael began.

"What?" I asked.

"Have you talked to Evan again?"

Oh. "Um, we talked this morning," not much, but would Michael really care?

"That's cool. He seems nice. I don't think he really plays video games though." Jeremy chuckled. Yeah. Evan didn't play video games. He wondered if Evan even knew what Apocalypse of the Damned was. "Y'know, Jer, you should talk to him more. I think you'd get along."

"I guess..." Jeremy muttered. Wait. What if he asked Evan about Zoe? He probably knew her, or at least knew about her. "Um, Michael?"

Michael looked back at Jeremy. "Yeah?"

"What if I asked Evan about Zoe?" Michael seemed to freeze up. He looked shocked. Suddenly a hoard of zombies attacked his character. That put Michael back in action. He paused the game and looked back at Jeremy.

"What! Why?" He seemed... uncomfortable. "You, um, you just met her, and, um, you haven't even talked to her. Are you sure that yo-"

"Michael," Jeremy groaned. "Why don't you want me to talk to her?"

"No, no no! It's not that! It's just..."

"What? It's just what?" Jeremy questioned eagerly. Why would Michael want to keep him away from Zoe? They were friends, right? Was something wrong? 

"I don't want another Christine," Michael said with a small voice. "I don't want that for you."

"Michael..." Jeremy's voice was soft. Christine had broken up with him awhile ago. They were barely together after the whole squip scenario. A few weeks after they started dating, Christine told Jeremy that she didn't feel anything for him, and... that was it. Jeremy let her go. He just wanted her to be happy but it hit him hard. Michael knew that. He just didn't want Jeremy to get his heart broken again. Michael looked up at Jeremy and met his eyes. "I, um, well, thanks for caring about me, but-"

"Jer, I just want you to be happy."

"Yeah, well, I think that being with Zoe will make me happy."

"But, Jer, I-" Michael tried to say.

"Michael! Do you want me to be happy?" Michael looked upset, but he nodded, "Then help me get with her!"

"I-I'm gonna go." Michael set his controller down, slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out.

Jeremy felt guilty for making Michael upset, but it was kind of annoying that Michael wasn't on his side about this. They were supposed to be a team. Did Michael forget that? He'd text Michael later, maybe call him.

Jeremy turned off the Wii and went to find Evan. He found Evan on his computer in his room. "Hey, can we talk?"

Evan looked up and shut his computer when he saw Jeremy. "Um, s-sure."

"So... um, what do you know about Zoe Murphy?"

"Zoe Murphy?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, her."

"W-why?" Evan asked nervously.

"Well, I-I have a crush on her," Jeremy admitted.

"Oh. OH!"

Jeremy stood there awkwardly but realized he maybe shouldn't have asked. "I-if you two are a thing then I can, um, go." Jeremy blushed and looked away from Evan.

He was about to leave when Evan interjected, "Wait! I mean, we, um w-we aren't dating if, well, if that's what you're asking."

Jeremy relaxed and turned around. "Okay then. Well, um, what's she like?"

"I, um, I used to have a crush on her too..." Jeremy blushed. "I-I don't anymore though. I don't t-think I do... She, um, she's nice. Really nice! But, I, um, I think I like her better as a friend. I mean, if we could be friends."

Jeremy had assumed they knew each other, or were at least friends, when he saw them talking. Apparently not. "If you don't know her that well, I can go."

"Oh! No! I-I know- It's fine. I know a bit about her. She, um, she's a good dancer. And she, um, s-she scribbles stars on h-her j-jeans when she's,um, she's bored. She dyed her hair indigo for a bit."

"That's cool, but do you know, y'know, what she likes or anything?" Jeremy interjected. "N-not to be rude," he added. He didn't want to offend Evan.

Evan blushed. "Oh! Well, I, um... No. Not really. I'm sorry Jeremy."

Jeremy sighed. "It's fine Evan. I just assumed you knew her."

"Oh, thanks," Evan said quietly, but Jeremy had already slipped out of the room.

Jeremy decided he should text Michael. What would he say though? "I'm sorry I called you out for not accepting my crush and I hope we can still be friends even though you aren't respecting who I like"? As if. Jeremy stared at his phone, typing and retyping until he thought of something decent to say. And he sent it.

Jeremy: Hey Michael! I'm sorry about earlier... I got carried away. I've thought about it and I really hope you'll help me get with Zoe. You're the best!

He saw Michael typing, but he must've deleted it, because nothing ever sent. He hoped Michael didn't take it to hard. He knew Michael cared for him and he cared for Michael too. He just didn't want this to get between them. But maybe it already had.

(A/N I'm sorry I'm making them argue! It'll get better I swear! If you're liking it please let me know!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now