Chapter Ten: Michael

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Michael's POV

It was finally Friday again, and Michael was planning to sleep over at Jeremy's house. He was a little nervous, they hadn't exactly defined what was going on with their relationship, but they could figure it out if they needed to. Besides, Jer had kissed him. That seemed like maybe, just maybe, he wanted to be with Michael. As more than a best friend. He wasn't quite sure. That day, Jer had sent him a questioning glance after Evan made some comment about them being together, so he had nodded, even though he wasn't quite sure what Jeremy was implying. He had a few guesses though. They had been closer then they had been in awhile though. That was nice.

Michael knocked on the door and quickly heard a muffled, "I'll get it!" A few seconds later, Jeremy flung the door open. "Michael!" He said excitedly. His whole face lit up, like Michael being there was a pleasant surprise, rather than expected. Michael felt himself smiling back at him. Oh God. That was cute. "C-come in, buddy!"

Michael stepped inside. "Um, where should I put my stuff?" At Jeremy's old house, they would usually just ditch their stuff in the basement, near the TV, but he had moved so Michael wasn't quite sure anymore.

"Oh. You can just put it in the basement. C'mon!" Jeremy bounded down the stairs, pausing a few stairs down to wait for his friend to follow. Michael dropped his backpack at the bottom of the stairs, causing Jeremy to ask, "Wait. You didn't bring a sleeping bag?"

"Crap! I knew I forgot something!"

"Oh! It's fine. We can sleep in my room." Wait. Did he mean... Michael felt himself blush lightly. Jeremy must've realized what he was thinking because his face went red and he started stuttering, "T-that's not what I m-meant! I-I have a s-sleeping bag y-you can use... if you want to." He said the last part so quietly, Michael barely heard him.

"Yeah. That's cool. Thanks Jer." He grinned. "So... Apocalypse of the Damned?" 

Jeremy smiled, grabbing the remotes. They sat down on the beanbags in front of the TV and started to play. After a few minutes, they got into their usually rhythm. Michael loved Apocalypse of the Damned. It was his favorite game, but he liked it even more when he was playing with Jeremy. It was comforting to know that someone had his back. They breezed through a few levels, their talking occasionally interrupted by one of them warning the other of approaching zombies. 

Eventually, after a few unsuccessful attempts at level 15, Jeremy paused the game and asked, "Hey, Michael? Do you wanna, like, get some food or something?"

He was hungry now that Jeremy mentioned it. "Sure, Jer. Um, what time is it?"

"Shit! It's almost midnight."

"Do you wanna order pizza, or something?"

Jeremy looked confused, "Are pizza shops open this late?"

"I dunno. Some probably are." 

Jeremy laughed a little before saying, "Maybe we should just eat something here."

"Oh. That's fine."

They wandered upstairs quietly, so they wouldn't wake up Jeremy's parents or Evan. They snuck into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. "Do you want chips?" Jeremy asked, holding up a large bag of potato chips. 

"Oh, sure. Can we make sandwiches or something?"

Michael could make out Jeremy smiling through the darkness. "Yeah! That's a good idea, but we need to be quiet. I can make them if you want."

"Um, thanks. I'll try to open the chips... quietly." Jeremy laughed, knowing what Michael was about to get himself into. Jeremy shuffled around in the fridge while Michael fumbled with the chip bag, which crinkled loudly. Every time he tried to open it, it seemed so loud that he stopped. Jeremy was done with the sandwiches by the time Michael decided just to rip it open. 

"Nice job opening the chips, Michael," Jeremy laughed. Michael was glad it was dark, because he felt his cheeks heating up. It was nice seeing Jeremy laugh, and soon enough he was laughing too. 

They wandered back downstairs with their food and ate in silence until Jeremy asked, "Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"

Michael nodded, "Yeah, sure," he replied without much emotion.

"Michael?" He looked at Jeremy, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just... What's going on between us, Jer?"

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked, looking concerned.

"I-I mean, the other day, when we... y'know, kissed. H-how do you feel about it? About me?"

Jeremy scooted closer to Michael. Did he mean to do that? "Listen. I meant what I said, Michael." And then he leaned in and kissed Michael's cheek. "I love you."

"B-but, are we..."

"Are we what?"

"Jer, are we dating or not?"

Jeremy blushed and spoke quietly. "I-I would like to. I realized t-that the other day."

"I-I think I would too. I know I would."

Jeremy smiled and leaned into Michael's shoulder. "Good."

After they finished eating, they changed into pajamas and started a movie. About ten minutes in, Jeremy whispered, "Michael?"

"Yeah?" He whispered back.

"I'm cold."

"Um, is there a blanket down here, or anything?"

"I don't know."

Then Michael got an idea. "You, um... You can wear my sweatshirt, if you want."

Jeremy smiled tiredly, "I would like that." He slipped the sweatshirt over his head and handed it to Jeremy, who slid it over his head. He suddenly leaned over and kissed Michael, right on the lips. Michael was surprised at first, startled even, he still wasn't used to this. Suddenly he was kissing Jeremy back. It seemed to end too quickly though. Jeremy rested his head on Michael's shoulder and murmured, "I love you."

It couldn't have been ten minutes later when Michael realized Jeremy was asleep. "Jeremy? Jer? Jer?" He asked. No response. Jeremy looked so... peaceful. His lips were slightly parted and his hair was a mess. It was kinda cute. He needed to get Jeremy upstairs, but he felt bad waking him up. "Jer? You gotta get up."

Michael shook his shoulder lightly and Jeremy murmured, "Just five more minutes," but didn't open his eyes. Could he... carry Jer up? Probably not. He started to get up when Jeremy wrapped his arms around him. "Nooooo," Jeremy complained. Oh, that was cute.

He moved Jer's arms so he could support him when he attempted to walk him upstairs. "We gotta go, Jer." He stood up, pulling the other boy with him. Jeremy's knees buckled, but after a second, he was kind of supporting himself. The two stumbled up the stairs, Michael careful to make sure Jeremy didn't get hurt. Jeremy was somehow still half asleep by the time they got to his room. 

Michael attempted to lay Jeremy down on his bed, but Jeremy clung to Michael murmuring, "Nooooo," or "Stayyyyy." 

"Jer, you have to sleep."

"Stayyyyy," Jeremy murmured again.

Wait. Oh God. This wasn't a good idea, so why did he want to do it? Michael climbed into the bed next to Jeremy, pulling up the blankets. He was just waiting until Jeremy would let him get out. That was all. He tried to tell himself that over and over again. Jeremy rolled over closer to him. Michael blushed. He didn't realize how tired he was, but soon enough Michael had fallen asleep too.

(A/N So... ;) Let me know what you think so far. I'm trying to balance stuff with the plot better, so I'm trying to alternate between chapters with DEH and BMC characters, unless it makes more sense not to. Hope you like it!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now