Chapter 15: Zoe

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Zoe's POV

Zoe was laying on her bed, listening to music on Sunday afternoon. She had her headphones on, as always, because usually Connor complained when she didn't. She wasn't quite sure how Connor was doing. He could be a jerk to her sometimes... But that one day... Well, Connor had been talking to her more often. And not just to complain either. He was actually... nice, sometimes. Plus, he was home more often.

Anyways, Zoe was just hanging out, when she noticed someone pass her room. Her door was cracked open, but she could tell someone had passed by. Someone with long, dark hair who was coming from the direction of Connor's room. 

She narrowed her eyes and took one headphone off. Where was he going this time? He had been kind of... mellow the past few days, which was strange. She had to admit, she was curious where he could be headed, so she followed.

She snuck down the stairs, making sure to stay quiet. She had spied on Connor before many times, at least, when they were younger. She had tried to follow him a few times more recently, but he had caught her and they had fought. Zoe wasn't keen on arguing with her brother at the moment, so she stayed hidden on the stairs for a moment, before she decided she should see what he was doing.

Connor was... humming to himself? He slung his bag over his shoulder, grabbing his keys. He spun around, sticking his phone in his pocket. His eyes widened a bit and Connor looked... surprised? It was just for a second, but it was enough for Zoe to notice.

"Where are you going?" She asked, deciding to get straight to the point.

"How long have you been standing there?" Connor snapped.

"Connor? Where are you going?" Zoe asked again.

"Why do you care?" Connor asked, eyeing the door behind Zoe. She quickly moved to block it.

"As much as you think I don't care, I actually don't want you going off to get high... or whatever you do." 

Connor looked confused for a split second, and then uneasy. He gave a nervous laugh. "Y-you actually think that's what I'm doing."

Zoe stood there, looking annoyed. "Connor, I know that's what you're doing. I'm not stupid. You can't fool me. You've done this a few too many times for that."

"Zoe... No."

What? What did he mean no? "You're gonna have to do a better job than that if you want to leave."

"Zoe, please... I'm gonna be late." 

"Late? For what? Probably something that you're better off not doing. Connor, please..."

Frustration filled his face and he paused, obviously deciding whether or not to tell her what he was doing. "Zoe... I-I'm going to see someone."

Zoe scoffed. "Yeah? And who's that? You don't exactly have anyone who would want to see yo-"

"I'M GOING TO SEE EVAN!" Connor cried angrily. He must've realized what he'd said, because his face drained of color and suddenly flared red, all in the span of a few seconds.

Zoe was shocked. "I, um. What?"

"I'm seeing Evan. Evan Hansen." Connor said in a small voice.

"Wait. How... When... Why... Evan?" Zoe stuttered.

Connor looked annoyed. "Look, Zoe, I'll tell you later, but right now I need to go."

And before Zoe could stop him, Connor pushed her aside and walked out the door.

(A/N Oof. Well. Idk what to say. I mean, let me know what you think. Are you liking it so far? Also, how are you guys? Hope you're having a good day!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now