Chapter 17: Connor

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Connor's POV

Connor and Evan had moved to the middle of the field, just talking and taking in the view. They laid on the ground, staring at the sky, which was a bright shade of blue. Fluffy white clouds passed in and out of view, and the sun shone brightly on them. 

Connor sighed happily. This was the best time he'd had in awhile. "So," he began, "How's life?" Connor asked, not thinking of anything better to say.

"G-good," Evan answered simply.

"Oh. Um. That's good." Shit. What was he supposed to say? "Uh, so what's the deal with Jared?" Wait. Oh, shit. That probably wasn't the best thing to say...

Evan looked a little uncomfortable, but he answered Connor anyways. "Well, um, he's a family friend. I mean, we're kinda f-friends, but... He's nice once you get to know him."

Connor scoffed, "Jared Kleinman? Nice? Yeah right."

"No! Really! Jared is fine. He's not a bad guy, I swear!" Evan seemed very insistent on sticking up for Jared. Connor wasn't quite sure why.

"Oh, really?" Connor asked.

"Yeah!" Evan shot back. "I think you just scare him a little," Evan added quietly.

"How?" Connor asked, more curious than anything.

"Well, I think you kinda freak him out. Not to be mean! But you make him uncomfortable, so he just makes fun of you. It makes him feel like you can't touch him."

Well. That was a new one. Connor laughed a little. "That is so stupid! If I wanted to, I could beat him up anyways. That's not gonna protect him."

Evan laughed nervously for a few seconds before stopping. "You're not going to though. Right?"

Connor went silent. "No. I won't Ev. If you don't want me to, I won't." He meant it. 

"O-okay. How's Zoe?"

Oh. Right. Connor had almost forgotten. Zoe. How did he know that this wasn't just some trick Evan was doing to get closer to her? Shit. "I, uh..."

"We don't have to talk about her if you don't want to!" Evan quickly interjected. "Sorry, I wasn't sure what else to ask, and it seemed pretty reasonable. I mean, she's your sister. And I just thought that maybe yo-" 

Evan was speaking so fast that Connor could barely understand what he was saying. He seemed to be panicking. Shit! What could he say? He had to say something. Anything! "How did you break your arm?"

Evan stopped talking. He looked nervous. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I-I, um... I fell from a tree."

"Oh? You must've been pretty high up. Or did you just land badly?"

"I-I... Climbed up almost to the top. As high as I could go. It was... incredible. I felt like I could touch the sky. And then I fell and I broke my arm. A-and I just laid there on the ground for a bit, waiting for someone to come find me. Waiting for someone to help me. But no one came..." Evan's voice faded into silence. Well, almost silence. Connor could hear the other boy sniffling. Wait. Was Evan crying? Shit! He was, wasn't he?

Connor sat up and turned towards Evan, who had also apperently sat up at some point. The other boy was hugging his knees to his chest, crying softly. Oh god. That must've been traumatizing for Evan, waiting and waiting for someone to help him and no one coming. The thought of Evan laying there on the ground with a broken arm, waiting for nothing, made Connor feel sick.

"I, um... I'm so sorry Ev. That must've been awful. I wish I had been there to help you." Connor had wrapped his arms around Evan in an awkward hug before he realized what he was doing.

Evan's crying died down slightly. 

"And Ev? If you ever fall again, I'll come find you." Connor knew he meant it. He meant it more than he meant anything. If anything bad happened to Evan Hansen, he would be there to help him. No matter what. Evan leaned into Connor's hug, causing Connor to blush slightly.

"Thank you," Evan whispered, "Thank you Connor." Tears still dripped from his eyes.

So they sat like that for awhile. Connor's arms wrapped loosely around Evan, who was leaning into the other boy's embrace, in the middle of a field in an abandoned apple orchard. Neither one said much more after that, they knew that the silence wasn't bad. That if they had something to say, the other would listen, no matter what. 

And that's what they did. They sat and watched the sky. And even as the world passed by, they felt like this could go on for forever.

(A/N Heyyyyyy. Ok! A quicker chapter! This one isn't super long, but its not super short either. So. Yeah. Enjoy! Let me know what you think! :) You guys rock!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz