Chapter Twelve: Connor

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Connor's POV


It was a Saturday morning. He wouldn't be here. Would he? It was just his mind playing tricks on him.  After he had written that letter... Connor had been longing to talk to Evan again. He decided he was probably just imagining it.

"What the hell, Evan? Connor? Connor Murphy? Really?" It was Jared Kleinman. That was when he realized Evan actually was there. He would never willingly imagine Jared's voice. Hearing Jared at all was more than enough for Connor. He spun around, quickly spotting Evan and Jared, along with Jeremy and Michael.

"Who's Connor?" Jeremy asked. 

"H-he's um... he's my f-friend," Evan stuttered.

"Really? He's your friend, Evan?" Connor felt himself walking over to them. Shit. He didn't want to see them, unless Evan was alone. 

"Have a problem with that, Kleinman?" He only realized he'd said it aloud a few moments later.

"That's Connor, isn't it?" He heard Michael say quietly. Jeremy nodded. They were clinging onto each other's hands. Connor almost didn't notice, it seemed so natural. Were they...

"Since when are you and Evan friends?"

Shit. If Jared knew they'd only agreed to be friends a few days ago, he'd just say they weren't real friends. Connor panicked. "Well... I, um... We have been friends for a long time," Connor lied. Jared looked at Evan, who had frozen up.

"Oh yeah? Prove it." Shit. Shit! SHIT!

Connor wasn't sure what to say. Jared would totally find out. "D-do you remember that o-one time? With the t-trees?" Evan stammered.

Connor silently thanked Evan. "The orchard?" he said the first thing that came to his mind. His family used to go to this orchard all the time when he and Zoe were younger. 

"Um, yes. Sure. That's the o-one! And we, um... uh..."

"We got ice cream at A La Mode," Connor added, remembering when he used to do that.

"Y-yeah! And, I, um... I b-broke my arm there."

"Oh, yeah." Hopefully that was good enough for Jared.

Jared looked still looked suspicious of them, but nodded and said, "Okay. Well, nice catching up Connor, but we have to go." He grabbed Evan's good arm and pulled him off as he walked away.

"So... you and Evan... How long have you been friends?" Michael asked. Great. They hadn't left yet.

Connor was tired of acting, so he just replied, "A couple days. Don't tell Jared, or he'll say we aren't real friends."

"Oh. Okay."

 They started to walk away, still hand in hand, but Connor called, "Wait!" He ran over to the two of them with a torn piece of paper in his hand. "Can you give this to Evan?" He hastily wrote his number on it and handed it to Jeremy, who nodded. 

He wasn't sure if Evan would text him or call him or... do anything. But Connor really hoped so.

(A/N So... you guys remember those shorter chapters I was talking about, right? Well here's one. More are on the was too! ;) Let me know what you think!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUWhere stories live. Discover now