Chapter 23: Evan

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Evan's POV

"T-this is your house?" Evan was sitting in the passenger seat of Connor's car. He had asked if Connor could drive him there after school, and Connor had quickly agreed. Connor had pulled up to a nice looking, big house, and was preparing to park.

"Yeah. It is. I bet it's kinda weird, isn't it? Cause I always go to your house to pick you up, but you never come here. I mean, you're here now, but still," Connor answered.

"It's... big," Evan said.

Connor smiled slightly. "Yep. It is, isn't it?"

"Sorry. I bet you get that a lot. People saying your house is big. And it is, but it's not super big. I mean, its nice, but not, like, a mansion or anything. But its really nice. A great house, I'm sure! 10/10 for high quality houses. An absolutely wonderful home.  A really, really, nice, expensive house." Connor glanced at him awkwardly. "OH! WAIT! I'm rambling aren't I? IM SORRY THATS SO ANNOYING. I DIDNT MEAN TO I JUST GOT DISTRACTED AND NERVOUS AND STUFF. AND I DIDNT MEAN TO SAY THAT EITHER. CRAP. IM SO SO SO SO SO SORRY CONNOR!"

"Evan," Connor said, looking him in the eyes, "It's fine. Really. But, uh, if you don't mind me asking, why do you feel bad about telling me this stuff?"

Evan shrank back in his seat, not really wanting to answer the question, but seeing no way out of it. "W-well, I, um-"

"You don't have to answer."

Evan was uneasy, but he made up his mind. He was going to go for it. Connor had been friendly recently. Evan took a deep breath before answering, "No! It's fine. Really. But, uh... I mean, I guess I feel bad telling you I'm nervous, and stuff. It's just, I'm sure you have problems of your own top deal with, and it's not helping you by giving you my problems to deal with too. Also, it's kinda annoying when people start rambling about stuff like that, right? I mean, I don't really mind, but some people probably hate it and I don't want to be hated, especially by you, you're my friend."


"I'm sorry!"

"Evan, really, its fine. Look, you can tell me stuff. I mean, if you have problems that you want to talk about, I want to help you. I want you to be happy, or at least, mostly problem free. But we can only do that if you let me know what's going on, okay?" Evan smiled. His heart warmed hearing Connor say that. "Also, I think the rambling is kinda cute." This last bit was under Connor's breath, but Evan heard nonetheless and felt himself blush.

"T-thanks." Evan wasn't quite sure what else to say, 'thanks' pretty much summed it all up. Even the part that Connor hadn't wanted him to hear. Plus, it wasn't rambling.

"No problem, Ev."

The pair went inside, and Evan decided that as big as the Murphy's house seemed on the outside, it was even bigger on the inside. "Uh, lets go up to my room," Connor said, leading Evan up the stairs. 

Connor's room was a mess. Clothes, papers, paintbrushes, and several other random objects lay scattered across the floor. Connor sat down on his bed while Evan said, "I didn't realize that you liked to paint." A few random sketches and half-finished paintings were spread throughout the room. Evan picked up a small watercolor painting by his foot, immediately recognizing the scene. It was of two small figures laying in the field at the orchard looking at the sky, like he and Connor had done a few times before. "This is... really good."

Connor's face went red. "T-thanks... Sorry. My room's kind of a mess. I usually don't show people my paintings."

"Why not? They're really good!"

"I mean..." Connor began embarrassedly, "I paint for myself. It calms me. Keeps me happy, y'know? But, uh, you really think they're good?"

Evan nodded.

"You can keep it if you want," Connor replied.

"Wha- Are you sure you don't want it?" 

"I don't need it. Besides, if you like it, I want you to have it." Evan felt himself blush lightly.


"Yes. You can keep it, Ev. Really."

"Are you su-"

"KEEP IT EVAN." Connor raised his voice.

"COOOONNNOOORRRR!!! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY NAIL POLISH?!?! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE TAKEN IT AGAIN! YOU'RE NOT SNEAKY IF YOU DON'T PUT IT BACK!" Zoe yelled, flinging open the door and barging into Connor's room. She marched up to his desk looking for the nail polish, before turning to look on the floor.


"What? Where did you put it?"

"It's right here," Connor said, holding a bottle of glittery dark nail polish, which looked sort of like a little galaxy. Evan could see why they both wanted it, he couldn't stop looking at it. Upon closer inspection, he noticed that the same color was painted onto Connor's nails.

"Wait. I thought you were standing over the-" Zoe said in confusion, turning to look at Evan. "Ohhhhh. You brought Evan over early. I see," She turned back to Connor, and Evan swore he saw her wiggle her eyebrows at Connor when she mentioned him. He wasn't quite sure why. She turned back to Evan, sitting next to Connor, who looked annoyed, "Hey Evan. How's it going?"

"Um, it's going well. How about you?"

"I'm fine," she said happily. Connor attempted to shove her off the bed, which almost worked, but not quite. "Slightly less fine now," she said, glaring at Connor. Her eyes lit up as she shoved him back playfully. "So.. have you and Connor been hanging out a lot recently?"

"Uh, kind of. We get ice cream a lot. And see trees," Evan replied awkwardly. He didn't want to tell her all the details, but felt bad saying that they weren't hanging out.

"Wait! Are you guys going to A La Mode? I haven't been there in forever. I can't believe you guys went without me!" She cried, punching Connor lightly in the shoulder.

"How did you figure that out from Evan saying 'ice cream' and 'trees'?" Connor asked.

"What else would that mean?" Zoe replied.

"Zoe. Trees are everywhere. Plus, it's not like A La Mode is the only ice cream shop out there."

"Whatever. So, are we just gonna hang out before everyone else gets here?"

Connor glared at his sister, "We are going to hang out, as in Evan and I. As in, not you."

Zoe smirked, "And why's that?"

"Connor, she can stay. It's fine," Evan told him. He wasn't sure why Connor didn't want Zoe to be with them. She wasn't mean or anything, but then again, she and Connor were siblings, which may have changed things.

"Fine. Y'know what? Fine. Stay. Whatever."

"YES!" Zoe cheered. "So... what are we gonna do first?"

"This." Connor said, shoving Zoe off the bed. She shrieked in surprise and hit the ground with a thud. A few seconds later she started laughing. 

"Smooth. Real smooth, Connor," she chuckled. And then Connor started laughing too, a smile spreading across his face. Evan decided that it was kinda cute when he laughed. He just looked so... happy. And free. And then Evan started laughing.

He wasn't quite sure why he was laughing. He wasn't laughing at Zoe. He was laughing with her. And Connor. He couldn't forget Connor. That much he knew.

(A/N HEh. Hey. Wow. Another chapter. IDK what to say here. As usual. You guys are amazing. Stay that way. ALso THanK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! SO MANY READS AND VOTES AND STUFF OMG YOU GUYS THANK YOU SSOOOOOO MUCH!!! You're all awesome! Stay swaggy!)

Dear Brother: A Dear Evan Hansen x Be More Chill Stepbrothers AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя