This was why I always made sure I would be able to go home before sundown because I knew how hard it would be for me to go back when it was already dark. I knew that without seeing the trails properly, I could easily get lost.

I saw Baekhyun turn on and use the flashlight feature of his phone. He was walking ahead of me and I tried to follow his steps as I tail right behind him.

Once in a while, I would try to look around and I didn't know why I had to do that. Maybe I wanted to make sure that we were safe. It almost felt like we were starring in a Suspense movie with this kind of setup. I was busy doing this while I continued to step forward. I was unaware that Baekhyun stopped walking so when I got to him, I crashed against his chest.

I was so surprised, I almost lost my balance so he immediately placed a hand right in the small of my back, holding and pulling me close to him.

Our faces were less than an inch away from touching. My eyes were glued to his lips first before I looked a little bit up to meet his eyes. Sure, I couldn't see his face clearly because of the dark but I could feel his warm breathing which made my heart beat fast. I was scared to move because I was aware of how close his lips to mine were.

"Are you okay?" He asked while he looked at me intently.

"Y-yeah," I replied as I grew a little more uncomfortable with the minimal space between us again.

It was starting to get cold and having his body next to mine, which I must note felt so warm, was hard to resist. So, before I did something crazy like wrapping my arms around him, I slightly pushed our bodies away from each other.

"Sorry," I muttered, tucking my hair behind my ears. "I didn't see you right there."

If there was anything I was thankful for with all the darkness, it would be for concealing my probably-already blushing face.

"Are you scared?" He asked one more time.

I looked up and because of the small amount of light coming from his phone, I saw how his face looked a little confused.

Was he asking me if I was scared of him?

"Ah, no no no...of course I'm not scared of you Baekhyun." I tried to laugh. "I was just really..."

"I mean of this." He spread his arms sideways. "It's dark and it's cold." He must've sensed that I was blurting out nonsense again so he intercepted.

"Well, if I were alone right now, I'd be crying already," I told him.  "Like really crying for my dear life."

He smiled at me and I saw how his eyes glistened because of the struggling lights from the sky.

"You're just wearing a T-shirt Baekhyun," I said as my attention fell to his clothes. Very thin clothes.

He looked at me wondering why I said that.

"You're right, it's cold. We have to reach the entrance immediately or else you're going to catch a cold." I rambled as I turned on my phone to light my way. "Let's go," I added, walking quickly, passing him by along the way.

I didn't hear any response from him behind me, so I tried my best to make sure were still following the trails. Then I almost jumped on my feet when he suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Hae Won, wait!" I heard him say.

My attention instantly fell to his hand on my wrist before I looked up to his face.

"You're right. It's quite cold." He told me as I felt his grip on my wrist loosened before he gently held my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

I slowly detached my attention from his face as I looked at our hands.

EPHEMERAL || BBHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें