62. Accidental advancements

Start from the beginning

"I know that, idiot. You aren't gonna be the one making them. As you know, your quirk is basically the ability to control shadows and others through their shadows. So the only way you can really get arrows like that would be to ask for them." You raise an eyebrow.

"Ask who? You?" Kuro clicks his tongue as he rolls his eyes.

"No, not me. Your shadow spirits are there to serve you, think of them like maids and butlers except they have the intelligence of dogs." You nod your head, looking up at the darkened sky as you think.

"But how am I supposed to communicate with them, they don't speak the same language as I do." Kuro leans forward, resting his cheek in the palm of his hand.

"Dog's don't speak the same language as you but can still understand basic commands, all you need to do is get them to understand what you want." Without hesitation you whistle, having your shadow spirits appear immediately. They stand around you, awaiting orders.

"Now all you have to do is show them what you want." You reach into your pocket and pull out your phone, searching up an image of an arrow to show to the spirits. Once its loaded up you turn it so they can all see it. Once they all had a look you point to the screen and say "Arrow". They stare at you blankly with brights. After putting your phone away, held out your hand and said it once more. The shadow spirits looked around before completely disappearing. You looked over at Kuro who had moved from his earlier spot and was now sitting under the tree you were first under.

"What happened?" you ask, looking around the clearing to see if they were anywhere in sight. Kuro shrugs his shoulders, laying back so he can look up at the sky.

"Just wait." You do as he says, nearly having a heart attack when two spirits return, appearing in front of you. You hold out your hand and watch as 7 black arrows appear within your grasp. Your eyes widen at the sight and you can't help but feel excited, now you should be able to practice. Lifting your bow and readying it with one of the arrows you looked for a target. Not too far away was a tree which caught your eye, it was at a good distance so you decided that this was going to be your target for now. Fixing your posture, you readied yourself to let go. Once you released, the arrow flew in the right direction but missed the tree, landing in the dirt a few meters behind it. Kuro snickered at your failure.

"You've got everything right except you need to work on your accuracy," he lectures. You ignore him and continue to work on it, knowing that you would eventually get better. This wasn't the first time you had used a bow, you used to do it a lot when you were younger. Your father taught you how, sure he wasn't very skilled but he was a good teacher. After using the last of your arrows, you hold out your hand and ask for more, a second later receiving a handful of dark arrows. A small, thankful smile spread across your face as you shoot the arrows at the tree once again, having more of them actually hit it. They didn't last very long though, ten seconds after they hit their target they would disappear. You didn't really mind though, the upside was that you couldn't damage them or have the responsibility of having to pick them all up after you were finished.

You continued this for over an hour. Kuro thought about stopping you so you could move onto something else but he noticed how dedicated you were to becoming better. He didn't want to stop you from doing something you were working so hard for, he decided to leave you instead. You were improving with every shot and eventually you managed to hit the tree with every arrow, not missing a single time. The sound of clapping drew you away from your activity.

"You've worked really hard, you should take a break before we get into the next part," he says, shuffling over so there is space beside him. He pats the ground, wanting you to join him beneath the tree. You didn't hesitate to place the bow on the ground and head over to him. After working so hard you needed a break, it would help you get your energy back for the next part of your training. You knew that nothing was going to be easy for you so you tried your best to train your hardest, it was good having Kuro there. If he wasn't you would surely overdo it and put yourself out of commission. What use would you be in the hospital with a performance damaging injury. Taking a deep breath of chilly air, you sat by Kuro's side, your back leaning back against the tree trunk behind you.

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