Chapter Five

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"Of course, my father has an old friend. He should be able to help you to get a job." Akira replied his question.

--Time skip--

"Hi, Uncle Ito!" Akira happily enters into the pharmacy while greeting the alchemist.

"Little rascal, where have you been? Decided to visit after so long? " the alchemist slightly hit Akira on her arm.

"Well, I was kinda busy. But I still came back didnt I? Because I miss my uncle." Akira explains as she give a hug to Uncle Ito.

"Shoot it, you must have a favour to ask don't you?" Uncle Ito sensing her sudden change in attitude, different from her usual behaviour after returning her hug.

"Aww you know me best, uncle. You see, I have a friend here who is looking for a job. Could you perhaps hire him since your pharmacy seems to need some help and an assistant will certainly do you more good than harm right?" Akira asks as she flashes her puppy eyes to the elder, while swinging his hand from side to side.

After a long persuasion, Uncle Ito finally gave his approval "Let him in and let me take a look," giving in to Akira.

"Yuzuru! Come on in!" Akira signals for Yuzuru to come in.

The crown prince? Wait a minute, no way, I can't sense any spiritual energy from him. He cannot be the crown prince. Uncle Ito convinces himself.

In the meantime, Akira gave a soft whisper to Yuzuru,"Although Uncle Ito may seem very cold, he is still a very nice person."

"So what can you do?" Uncle Ito questions.

"Err, currently I have not acquire any skills yet however I am able to do anything and I am willing to work hard. Please give me a chance!" Yuzuru bows towards the elder as he replies in conviction.

"Uncle Ito, give him a chance. I am sure he will do well. Trust me!" Akira adding on to the persuasion.

After ablong consideration,Uncle Ito spoke up, "Three days. You can work here as a semi apprentice for three days first. And if you manage to pass the test I will be giving on the third day, I will hire you as an apprentice officially. Just so you know, no one has ever pass the test before. So are you up for the challenge?" Uncle Ito questions with a smirk on his face, thinking that Yuzuru would back down from the challenge.

"I am willing to give it a shot!" After some consideration, Yuzuru's replied as his inner competitive self burns up.

"Very well. Come on in, you will start by clearing the used potions up." Uncle Ito walks into the shed, where patients are being treated and empty potion bottles are lying all around.

"Ganbatte!" Akira held out her fist as a sign of wishing good luck to Yuzuru before leaving the pharmacy.

--Time skip--

"Yuzuru, pass me the healing potion!" Uncle Ito ordered as Yuzuru runs out of the shed to the shelf for the nth time to get the potion needed for the patient.

"Yuzuru, the bairnwort!"

"Which one sir?

"The green lavendar smelling plant! Hurry, the potion cant wait!"

For the past 6 hours, Yuzuru was being ordered around without mercy by Doctor Ito. He is constantly asked to bring potions and herbs to him. He was tired however he carried on. He was not going to let this bring his morale down.

Later in the night:

"Ok, we are done for the day. Rest well!" Doctor Ito gave a pat Yuzuru a pat on the back before heading into his house. Since Yuzuru is going to work at the pharmacy, Akira decided that it would be better that he live near the pharmacy for convenience hence he now lives in a small unit near the pharmacy.

Luckily, since he is an athlete, this amount of work isnt enough to tire him down. Talking about skating, he still worries about it every single day. Not only that but also his family and friends. Upon thinking up to here, he is determined to pass the test and make his time worthwhile here in Icexath. At least his time would not be gone into waste.

The next morning:

After much thought, he decided that he would try to learn some skills secretly from Doctor Ito while he does those miscallaneous work.

Hence for the entire day, he tried to take note of all the potions and treatment methods Doctor Ito has used in an attempt to learn more.

In the night, before Yuzuru fell asleep, a paper crane flew into his room. He quickly catches it and unfold the crane. He realizes that it was a note from Akira.

Dear Yuzuru,

Although it is pretty late in the night now, I sincerely wish you good luck for the test tomorrow. I know you will do great and I await for your good news. I will be cheering for you at the side!

Yours truly,

After reading the letter, a warm feeling surrounded his heart as it was the first tine in Icexath that he felt that he was not alone and that there is someone who cares for him. I will pass the test, I will not let you down... Yuzuru thought with determination in his eyes.

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