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The decision to stay at St. Mary's was a breeze. Three months ago, if someone had ask me if I ever consider going to St. Mary's, I would have reply with a “Hell no!”. But look at where I am now, heck, I'm even going into my second semester here on my willpower. Strange, right?

These past months had been an...adventure. From finding out myself, love, deathly cycles, fake friends & much more, I've come to the realization that I've change...a lot.

I used to be that cocky rich girl who had everything, and the moment I set foot at St. Mary's, I found myself losing everything I had to gain much more precious values, such as friendship.

To think a school like St. Mary's even existed is a crazy idea, but to experience the crazy journey is an even more outrageous thought. But I did it. I broke the cycle that made St. Mary's different from all the other boarding schools. Throughout the whole escapade, life had became much scarier and real.

Scarier as in things like this actually happens in real life

Real as in life is harsh but facing difficulties just make you a much stronger person.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

However, I wasn't the only one who changed.

Jasmin had left St. Mary's for rehab to sort things out after apologizing to me and I've haven't heard much for her since.

Nate, well, Nate is Nate. He's still the player that I met on the first day of school. The guy who broke my heart. Nate took community service as his sentencing after being charge for stealing the painting and drug usage.

I guess drugs do crazy things to your brain, including trying to me.

Claire also left. Her whereabouts remain unknown and she lost contact with the world.

Harry and Victoria started dating around a month ago, and they are already talking marriage! I'm extremely happy for them and glad to meet both of them.

Chris remain with me, but we're not ready to start another relationship anytime soon. In fact, I think he might just be seeing another girl, however, I had no problem with it.

Cody also stay at St. Mary's, we are back to being best friends. The negative part is that he's still dating Jasmin. Apparently, she's his “soul mate”.

And I, Kellie Parker, is probably the one who changed the most. I am currently still at St. Mary's, but as a totally different person. In other people's words, I am much “nicer”, “less spoiled”, “brave”, “strong”, “isn't a show-off”, “friendly”, etc.

To me, however, I'm just Kellie Parker.

New & Improve.

I smile to myself at the thought and start skipping towards Harry & Chris, whose waiting for me with big arms and matching grins.

I jump into their arms and they engulf me into a bear hug, nearly breaking my bones in the process.

“Can't-breath” I said, my voice muffle between Harry's chest and Chris's squeezing arms.

Harry & Chris pulled away with grins on their faces.

“What?” I say suspiciously. These boys were always up to something.

“Nothing.” They both said simultaneously, trying to look innocent.

I narrow my eyes, challenging them to not tell me.

“Shall we?” Chris asks Harry. I had no idea what they're talking about and I didn't care either.

I started walking away from them when one of them grab me from behind and toss me over their back, my legs dangling in front of them while my face is staring straight at their bum.

What are they doing?

“Hey! Let me down!” I shouted, attempting to wiggle out of Harry's grasp but I gave up when I realize that he is too strong for me.

“Where are you bastards taking me?” I growl at Chris, who is doubling in laughter right now.

“A surprise.” Chris winked and ignore my continuously questioning after that.

“Is it a-” I was cut off in surprise at the sight in front of me.

All my the people I love: friends & family, new and old stood in front of me, gathered around with joyful grins.


I gasp in surprise, tears pouring out of my eyes in happiness.

I smile through my glee, running to hug each one of them.

This is the best way to turn eighteen, ever.

To have all the people you love gather in one area, happy for you and wishing you the best is the the greatest part of the whole thing.

I don't need a huge, glamorous party like I thought before, all I need is my friends and family and for them to be happy.

I grin ear to ear,

This is it, I finally found a reason to be happy

& also the Secret life at Boarding School.

A/N: * cries * I miss you all so much already <3 I have the greatest fans in the world! Since this is the end, I want you all the COMMENT & VOTE for me, okay? Show how much you care.

For the sequel, I am kind of stuck on names, so if you have a suggestion, comment!

The official release date is October 5th.

However, the teaser & description will be launch on September, 1st. (Including the trailer)

The sequel is about her graduating St. Mary's as a different person. You don't need to read Secret Life at Boarding School to understand it. Throughout her last year, she discovers some family secrets that leads to dilemma. There will be new characters who might just swept her off her feet ;) This is just the basic part, the REAL thing will be such a big improvement from this book.

I am literally bawling my eyes out at this point.

We've come so far.

13,376 READS, 233 VOTES, 130 COMMENTS

Mystery #80 (our highest rating)

I can honestly say that I love you all. No homo. Haha.

Comment a sad face if you're sad that it all came to an end :(

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