Chp.12- Warnings.

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Chapter 12- Surprise, Surprise!

Chris’s P.O.V

I was just surfing through the internet, listening to Wiz Khalifa while Harry jumped across the room throwing a tennis ball when a knock sounded on my dorm’s door.

“Come in!” I yelled.

Nate skipped happily towards me, holding a giant grin. Suspicious, I asked. 

“Hey, spill the beans. You look way too happy.”

Harry had stopped jumping around and joined us on my bed.

“Guess.” Nate suspended.

“You got a hot chick for the weekend?” I asked the usual question. Nate was the school’s biggest player.

“Close, I got a hot chick on a date with me. Aaaaaandd you will never guess who,”

“Just get to the point.” I said impatiently.

“Give us some clues!” whined Harry.

“She’s new here.”

Wait, what? The only new person here was Kellie, unless…

“WHAT?! YOU got a DATE with KELLIE PARKER? As in, the hottest girl here right now? ” I asked, shocked and angry at the same time.

“Yeah, man. I couldn’t believe my ears when she said yes. You know how many guys would want to be me right now?” Nate said, oblivious to the fact that Harry and I were quiet and angry.

“Cool.” Harry said coldly before turning around and storming off.

What’s his deal? Wait…no. So both of my best friends are in love with…Kellie Parker? Normally, I would support them, but Kellie Parker is not someone you could stop loving easily. It doesn’t matter how good I was at pushing people away, Kellie seemed to cling closer to me, and I didn’t mind.

Harry’s P.O.V

I couldn’t believe Nate had the nerves to ask Kellie out! He didn’t deserve her. I saw the way Chris looked at her too. While Nate, he was just a big player. He didn’t care if he broke girls’ hearts. His motto was “Play and Leave”, meaning hook up with them, and then throw them away like garbage.

To be honest, I could see why Nate and Chris would like Kellie. She was the perfect girl: cocky, confident, kind-hearted, and had a sense of humor.

If I could, I would like her. But she was my best friend and I would rather have it like that, because friendship is more important than being in a relationship.

In the meantime, I needed to talk to Kellie, so I texted her.

Me: hey, u free?

Kellie: yeah,y?

Me: we need 2 talk.

Kellie: meet me @ the café.

Putting my phone back into my pocket, I walked to the café.

I ordered a caramel frappe, ignoring the flirty cashier.

I took my order and sat near the windows, my favorite spot since you could observe the beautiful scenery.

The bells tinkled and I looked up, sure enough, there was Kellie.

She looked breathless and I decided to tease her, “Can’t wait to see me?”

She snorted, “You wish.”

“Want anything to drink?” I asked her.

“Yeah, sure, a hot chocolate please.” She gave me the puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t resist so I stood up and ordered for her, having to deal with the flirty cashier again.

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