Chp.24-Clearing My Name

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A/N: The story is almost ending :( I had the most amazing journey with you guise. This is my most popular story so far, and it's all because of YOU.

I know my past chapters had been....sad, depressing, & scary but the upcoming ones are SUPER HAPPY.

Cuz, you know, I like my happy endings . ;)

Chapter 24- Clearing My Name

I woke up in a daze, confused and tired.

I notice Cody sitting beside me drinking a mug of coffee.

“What day is it?” I ask, since I had been put to sleep by the nurse for who knows how long.

“2 weeks after Winter Break.” Cody replied, as if the date meant nothing to him.

WHAT? It's already been TWO WEEKS? That means today is the day that I need to clear my name of stealing the painting and also break the cycle. am I suppose to do it?

Before Cody could get a grip of what's going on, I ran outside the nurse's office and towards my dorm.

There's one person that I need to speak to.

Claire Anders.

“CLAIRE!” I shouted as soon as I got inside my dorm.

“KELLIE!” She scream back, giving me a quick hug that was slightly uncomfortable.

“So... do you have anything?” I said, getting straight to the point.

“Yeah.” She thrust a pile of papers at me.

“What's this?” I asked, looking them over.

“Student's Files.” she replied, as if I know what she means by that.

“How is this going to help us?” I ask dumbly, not understanding.

“These aren't just any student's files.” she said mischeviously.

Oh, my, god. “THESE ARE THE PAST VICTIMS?” I scream excitedly.

FINALLY! We had some clues.

“Shh.” Claire shush me.


“What are we waiting for? Let's look through them!” I say excitedly, flipping open one of the files.

“Wait. We don't have much time. I already looked through them. The funny thing is, yours is missing. I mean mines still there and so is Heather's. But yours isn't.” Claire said, concerned.

The flashback of the night I saw Nate burning down what looks like my file crosses my mind.

“Nate.” I whispers.

Claire stared at me, confused.

“On the night of the Halloween Dance, I saw Nate and Jasmin talking and then Nate burned someone's file. It had a picture of me but I thought it was only my imagination.” I explained to Claire.

Apprehension flashes across Claire's face.

“Kellie, the only way to break the cycle is for you to combine all the files together. There's a clue in each, and if we follow the clues, we'll reach a secret door that holds a necklace. The necklace of the last victim. If we burn that necklace, we will break the cycle. But we're missing your clue, the last and the most important.”

Anger crept on me. So that's why Nate burned my files? How could he?

“Is there a copy of my file?” I ask, an idea popping up in my head.

“Yeah...but it's in the illegal section of the library.” Claire said slowly, but soon caught on to my idea.

“Let's go then!”

The library was lock.

“Oh great.” I groan but then remember that the janitors had the key.

“JANITOR!” We both yell in unison.

After a lot of convincing, we finally got the janitor to open he library doors.

Slowly, we made our way towards the keep out section.

Unlike the last time I've been here, it wasn't lock.

Strange, but we took advantage of it.

“Hurry!” I whisper to Claire.

We search for my name in every drawer but couldn't find any.

“Looking for this?” Jasmin ask from behind.

I gasp, turning around.

There she was, holding up my file with a smug look on her face.

“Jasmin.” I said coldly. So she's the one behind all this?

And I thought mean girls are the ones in the movies.

But this girl is much more than that.

However, I am not giving up. Kellie Parker doesn't have “give up” in her vocabulary.

“What do you want?” I seethe.

“Feisty. I see you haven't change.” Nate came out.

“Nate?” I was so shock, I wish I had listen to my instincts telling me it was a bad idea to forgive him.

“We thought and thought, and we finally came to the conclusion that YOU should die. YOU are the one who needs to die. Not Claire. Not Heather. But YOU.” Jasmin finished with an evil laugh, holding up a gun.

This scene looks like ones in a movie, not ones in real life.

Although I want to believe this was just a nightmare, I can't because it's happening right in front of my eyes.

I am going to die. Without clearing my name or breaking this cycle.

A/N: Add the word “GASP” in your comments. (:

Teaser: Surprise you never saw coming

Update: Tuesday.

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