Chp.23- Clues

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A/N: I feel so bad for not updating on time! This is the first time that I was late on a update. I made a promise, and I didn't keep it. I feel so bad.

I just got caught up watching K-Dramas...they're so addicting xD.

But to make up for my late update, here's a really good chapter.

The story will be ending around 40 chapters or less, thank you for the continuing support.

Chapter 23- Clues

“You're not suppose to be here.” A familiar voice spoke.

I gasp, dropping the book, and turn around.

There stood Jasmin, with a smug look on her face like she knows something I don't.

“Last time I check, I don't follow the rules.” I said coldly, picking up the book I dropped.

Instead of saying something, Jasmin raised her eyebrows and slowly made her way towards me.

Something about her was intimidating, scary-no, just intimidating.

“There's no way you can break the cycle, Kellie Parker.” I shiver at her voice in my ear.

Before I could reply, Jasmin was gone.

What did she mean? I mutter to myself.

Although,I wanted to ponder about Jasmin's remark, I had to get out of here, fast.

I ran out the doors and it slam behind me, the librarian giving me a suspicious look, but didn't say anything.

By the time I reach the main hall, I was exhausted and out of breath.

I slow my pace down to a normal, walking speed and walk towards my dorm.

But the sight of the hanging rope stop me.

I stared at it, wondering who could have try to kill Heather.

I knew whoever it is, they aren't going to give up.

There's only three remaining victims, the chance of us breaking the cycle is low, but we're not going to give up either.

I stare at the rope one last time, and was about to turn away when I notice a little light shining in the shadows.

I cautiously step towards it.

It was a door.

Following my instinct, I slowly open the door and step into what looks like a basement.

I took a look around, carefully stepping down the stairs that looks like it might break any second.

I was about to leave when I heard small voices.

Curiosity took over me as I step closer to the voices.

“Who will it be? “ a girl's voice spoke.

“Kellie is the hardest target, so is Claire. But Heather can't be underestimated either.” Another voice spoke, this time it belonged to a male.

They were talking about the cycle.

I was about to step forward to see their faces but the voices stop.

“Who's there?” the male's voice call out.

I held back my breath, anxious.

“Who's there?” the voice spoke again.

I was about to run for my life, when a hand strangle my throat.

“Oi! Isn't it the famous Kellie Parker?” The male's voice teased.

I stare at his familiar face, and the familiar greyish blue eyes...Who is he?

Struggling to get out of his grasp, I didn't notice Jasmin until she came closer.

“Jasmin?” I yell out, horrified.

This couldn't, it couldn't.

As the man strangle me harder, my breathing started to decrease.

I kept struggling under his grasp, but he was too strong.

Jasmin laughed evilly, “It's time for you to die, Parker.”

Her statement was right, I am going to die if I don't get out of his grasp.

“Whyyy?” I manage to stutter out.

My breathing was minimum right now.


“DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER A WHORE!” scream a much too familiar voice.

Cody Walker's. Former best friend, the guy I used to love, and the guy who broke my heart by going out with Jasmin.

What is he doing here?

“Cody?” I said, or managed to say. Since it came out hoarse.

“KELLIE!” He scream.

Before I can ask him why he is here, everything turned black.

My eyelids slowly open, revealing bright lights.

Where am I?

Did I die?

Ouch. My throat hurts.

If I die, my throat wouldn't hurt, would it?

Confused, I tried sitting up but a hand stop me.

My eyes slowly focused, revealing Cody's worried face.


I said, but to my ears, it came out like a horse dying.

“Shh, rest.” He stroke my face gently.

The events came back to me like a flood.

The library, Jasmin, the secret door, almost dying, the man, Jasmin, and Cody.

“What day is it?” I ask, my voice less hoarse than before.

“A week after.” He replied.

WHAT? It's been a week? That means I only have a week left to break the cycle.

“You only have two weeks after Winter Break to clear your name.” were the Headmaster's exact words.

However, Nate took me back early, so that means I have more than one week to break the cycle.

Can I do it?

The nurse came in before I could ask Cody more questions.

“YOU! You're not suppose to be awake!” The little lady yelled.

She came over to me with something in her hands and plunged it right into my arm.

I was going to protest but sleep took over immediately.

A/N: I'm suffering over a major writer's block, so idk how this chapter turns out.

My family is going thru some...problems, so please understand.

I'm totally stressed out about back-to-school, my summer wasn't pleasant.

AND I didn't even get a tan! :(

Update: Sunday

Teaser: Idk anymore...writer's block.


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