Chp.7- Jerk

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A/N: Hey everyone! My wi-fi shut down, so this might be uploaded late. But I hate how this story gets  

so little attention. I work so hard on it.

This chapter is not editted.

But here is Chapter 7-

Chp.7- Jerk

I watch as the stranger walk away. I was dumbfounded. I swear my heart skipped a beat, how is that  


"Hey, what happen to you? You look like you just saw the hottest guy on Earth", asked Nate, who's back  

from the Nurse's Office.

How does he know? "Oh, nothing, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just have a little burn mark, that's all." Nate shrugged it off easily.

He got a burn mark because of me? I feel so bad.

He must have notice my guilty expression because he said, "Don't worry, it will fade soon. It's not your  


"It is my fault," I whispered.

"KELLIE!! Can't you listen to me for once? I'm alright. If you really want to know if I'm okay, why not try  

shutting up for once?"

Bam. That hurt. "Well..." I stuttered.


"I didn't mean to upset you..."

Nate snorted. "Yeah sure, look here New Girl; you don't belong here with your weak personality. Your  

rich daddy isn't here to cheer you up, okay? So why don't you go pack your bags and go back to him?"

That hurts even more. He doesn't have any right to think I was like all the other snobs here.

"DON'T YOU DARE ASSUME WHO I AM AND HOW I ACT!" And with that, I stormed off into my dorm just  

in time to find Cody and Claire making out...

"" I stood there with my mouth hanging open.

Cody and Claire thankfully pulled away, if they hadn't, I'm pretty sure I was going to puke.

Cody's P.O.V

I froze as I heard Kellie's voice. She shouldn't have seen that. Although I acted ignorant of the fact that  

she likes me, I can see that she does. To be honest, I really like her as well, but I couldn't risk the chance

of losing her. That's why I'm sitting here making out with Claire. I was just doing it just to get my mind  

off of Kellie. And I knew Claire likes me so she would be glad to do me this favor. So far, we have never  

been caught by my girlfriend, Jasmin, who's the Queen Bee of St. Mary's. And I would like to keep it that  

way. But being caught by Kellie is worst.

"Kellie...I can explain." A very embarrass looking Claire said.

What is there to explain? It is what it is. I mean, look at us, we were MAKING OUT! There's no possible  

explanation for that. If there is, it's probably something along the line of "Something got stuck in my  

teeth so Cody offered to lick it out for me." I'm pretty sure Kellie wouldn't buy that.

"Look, there's nothing to explain. It is what it is. I'm sorry you had to witness that." I said.

"Okay. I'm just gonna head to my room, so, um, you guys, can go back, um, to what you guys were, um,  

um, doing." Kellie squeaks and quickly run to her room.

Claire looks at me as if willing me to continue. Pfft, as if. I mean, Claire is fine meat but I needed to clear  

my head. And in the healthiest way possible and making out with someone I don't even love is not it.

I knew what I needed to do...



Go watch it! I made it within 2 months. . This chapter is short but the next is filled with drama, drama,  

drama, and more drama haha.

Teaser: More of the hotties. And you finally get to meet Jasmin, a ugly-hearted Queen Bee.

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