Chp 5- Wow.

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A/N: Heeey there! 

I really can’t believe how nice people on Wattpad are (: I already have a cast in mind when I made the cover photo, which is CUT-OFF! URRGHH. Now I have to shrink it and Picnik close so Idk what to do  Grr. The cast is off to the side…it’s only the characters you’ve met so far so chill. Jk. Anyways, so here’s the update>>>>

Chp.5 Wow.

As soon as we got off the plane, we were lead to a fancy limo for the next stop, St. Mary’s Boarding School.

Since the ride was about 2 hours long, I decided to sleep through it.

“Miss Parker?” I heard a voice as the person shook me.

“Whaatt?” I replied grumpily, my voice still croaky from sleep.

“We’re almost here.” Replied the man who woke me up, which happened to be Cesar.

I slowly sat up and stared out of my windows. My mouth formed into a perfect O as we drove through the driveway which led to a gate that’s visible from where the car was at. 

The gate was tall and had little swirly details of what looked like gold. I bet it’s real. The long black fence surrounded the whole building that looked like a castle. The high towers were made of red bricks but had modern touches by the green glass windows. As we approached the school, I made out a spinning object and soon realized that it was a spinning door. Awesome. The driveway seems to stretch forever as we slowly approached the school. 

Something about the gates and the fence surrounding it drew a creepy factor to me. 

As we came even closer, I noticed there was an arrow with what looked like blood dripping from it and a quote: Don’t even try. What the hell? 

Soon we reached the gates and there were guards standing there, looking bored but scary at the same time.

Our driver talked to the guards and they let us in. 

I noticed there weren’t any students milling around.

“Where’s everybody?” I asked Cesar.

“Sleeping, dear. It’s only 5 in the morning.” He replied sincerely.

“Oh. What’s my dorm number?” I asked.

“Oh. That reminds me, Miss. Here’s your dorm number as well as the key, your schedule, and map. All your other stuff like your uniform is in your dorm. Your dorm mate’s name is Claire Anders. She’s a scholarship student and mastering in Painting.” He let out a breath he has been holding after explaining all this to me.

“Wow. Thank You, sir. But, I thought I was not sharing with a dorm mate? Since, you know, I need my privacy.” I asked, a little too selfishly.

He seemed nervous for a second but answered me anyways, “Your parents thought it would be best if you have a buddy to help you, um, adjust to St. Mary’s.”

I was shocked. Did they think I was not responsible enough for myself? “What? Why? I can handle myself perfectly so please tell my parents that I won’t need a dorm mate. Thank you very much.”

“But---“He was soon cut off by me as he saw the deadly glare I was giving him.

And with that, the drive to my dorm drowned in silence.

Cesar and the driver carried my luggage as we walked down the hallway to my dorm. 

We stopped at a burgundy door that has a number 143 on it. Pfft. 143 = I love you. Wow. 

Cesar noticed the grimace on my face and quickly opened the door.

The dorm was pretty regular considering it was located in the most prestigious school in America.

There were burgundy leather sofas and love seats in the living room. The carpet was as white as snow with sprinkles of silver. Red curtains swept down the windows, drowning out the day light. The TV set was what I liked the most, it consisted of a XBOX system, play station, blu-ray player, and a large variety of movies.  I can’t wait to try them out!, I thought excitedly. Wait, why am I excited? I thought I hated this school.

I entered my room and was glad we had two separate bedrooms. I hadn’t met Claire Anders yet, and I had a feeling I won’t want to. Most girls stay away from me because they see me as a threat. I hoped she wasn’t that kind of girl. My room was pretty basic: A large queen size bed lay in the middle beside two big windows. A dresser, vanity, and vintage closet were also available. All the furniture was black. I was glad since black would work with the theme I was planning to decorate it with. The walls were painted another shade of red similar to the door. What’s up with them and red?

I set out my stuff and started unpacking. I noticed that all my uniforms were placed in my dresser. The uniforms were pretty simple: Navy skirts, black long blouses and short ones also, Navy skinny pants (ew), and navy blazers. I also notice there were school sweaters in a burgundy color and also ties matching the color of the sweaters. Overall, not bad. I could make the skirts into high-waisted ones. And the pants I could cut into shorts, and I could bedazzle the blazers to make them less simple. 

I finished unpacking all my clothes to the closet and dresser. I stacked all my shoes on the shoe rack that I found under the bed. After I was done, I started designing my room’s interior. I hung black sheer curtains across my windows. I changed the comforter into a white and black checkered one. I put up posters of One Direction all over the room. I am not a girly girl but I do love the boys in One Direction. I set up all my makeup and hair tools on the vanity. 

After I was done, I was exhausted so I plump down onto my bed and sat there staring at space. I was gawking at the ceiling for about a minute when I heard footsteps approaching my door. 

I heard a soft knock on my door. I guess it’s time to meet the roommate. 

I cracked the door open to see a blonde staring back at me. She looked like those preppy smart kinds. She was blonde with the most beautiful green eyes I’ve ever seen. Her hair was straight with side bangs. She was in her uniform and was smiling at me.

“Hi! You must be Kellie Parker. I’ve read about you in magazines and I’m so excited to have you as my roommate. “She let out in a quick squeak.

“Yeah, hi” I smiled at her, I guess she could be a good friend, seeing how her personality was so bright.

“Oh, and I forgot to mention. I’m Claire Anders, your new roommate. Welcome to St. Mary’s!” She said brightly.

“I know,” the ends of my mouth curled into an almost smile.

“Hurry up! We have to attend breakfast and the ceremony.” She ushered me back into my room and told me to get ready.

I sighed in happiness and got ready as I realized I made my first real friend at St. Mary’s. 

A/N: Hey guise (: I’m SOOOO proud of this chapter. I’m so tired too. My eyes are hurting. But it’s all worth it.    Tee-hee.  Comment, Vote, Fan. Byeee (:

Teaser: Does Kellie know her charms? What happens when she meet the snobs? Uh-0h.

Picture to the right is of Claire Anders aka Emma Roberts. >>>>>

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