Chapter 43

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"Alright so how do I work this thing?" Nichole asked, looking the cylinder over, hoping for a button to pop out or something. The humans and Autobots are surrounding her as they stand in front of the cell. "Aren't you supposed to know, all knowing one." Sideswipe joked, preforming a fake bow to her. "How about I try it out on you first?" She smirked, pointing the cylinder back at him, he quickly put his servos up in defense. She laughed and turned back to the cell. Kup lay on the berth inside, not moving. Ratchet put him in a force recharge, so they would be able to preform the reverse with no problems. She started to toss the cylinder around in her hand again, having no clue what she is doing.

"How does she not know how to use it?" Ironhide whispered to Optimus. "It could be that she was unable to learn the information when she was born. As her species stopped reproducing and began to die out, most information became lost. A millennia of history has been lost as they became practically extinct. We don't even know how she was born to know what truly happened." Optimus explained to the weapon specialist. "Wow that must suck. No wonder she didn't know she was different." Ironhide commented, beginning to feel bad for Nichole. "It is something I hope our race never had to endure." Ironhide nodded at the Primes comment and went back to focusing on Nichole.

"Maybe if you think really hard it will work." Sideswipe suggested. "Ow" He yelled as his golden twin slapped him on the back of his head. "You idiot. Do you not think she's tried that?" Sunstreaker snapped. He is beginning to become impatient, wanting this to hurry so they can have Kup back. "Will you two be quiet! I'm trying to concentrate." Nichole barked at the twins. "Sorry, Nichole." They both answered.

She stood, feet separated, holding her stance. Her shoulders relaxed, eyes closed, concentrating on the glowing blue cylinder she holds in her hands. Everyone around her went silent, no one moved, for they didn't want to be a distraction. Her hands grip tightly around the center of the cylinder. Looking deep into her mind, she tries to find the answer to her problem. Hoping her ancestors left her some kind of information. She has to push through other memories, other information she held inside. Her eyes begin to squint, teeth begin to grind together, her body becomes tense. Her grip on the cylinder is turning her knuckles white. The glow begins to brighten, causing the dark room to light up like a Christmas tree. Her hair stands on end, loose strands start floating. The light becomes to intense for anyone to look at anymore. A rush of energy leaves the cylinder with an angry, challenged cry leaving her throat. Making everyone turn and look again.

She lay sprawled out on the floor. The cylinder loosely hung in her hand, not glowing anymore. She lay panting, eyes closed, heart beating rapidly. "Nichole!" The twins rush to her side. They are quickly in their holoform, kneeling by her side. Sunstreaker grabs her hand, while Sideswipe takes the other. She lets out a gurgled groan and her eyes flutter open. "Ow, my head." She complains, taking her hand from Sideswipe to rub the back of her head. "Are you okay?" The twins are staring at her intently, looking for any sign of damage. "Yeah I'm fine. Did it work?" She sat up, still rubbing her head, but looking into the cell. Kup still lay on the berth, looking as though nothing has changed. "Ratchet can you wake him up?" Optimus wondered, the Medical officer nodded walking to the cell. Everyone stared, watching carefully as Ratchet brought the bot out of stasis.

After what seemed like a very long ten minutes, Kup's optics fluttered open, focusing to the darkness of the room. He gave a groan that seemed to echo. As he sat up, no one moved, no one even breathed. All waiting to see if the Cylinder worked. Kup turned and jumped back a little at the sight of everyone standing there staring at him. He looked at the bars keeping them separated. "What the frag is this? Why am I in a fragging cell?" Kup started yelling, hands on his knees, leaned forward, glaring at all of them. "Well I think Kup is back." Sideswipe said excitedly. "Let him out Jazz." Jazz complied happily to the Primes command. Kup stood as the bars slid open. "Come old friend, we have lots to talk about." Prime wrapped an arm around the old bots' shoulders and the two along with Ironhide, Jazz, Ratchet and some others left the brig.

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