Chapter 42

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The bots stood back, hiding themselves behind some large boulders. All staring at a large opening to a cave. "That's where they are, Prime?" Lennox asks in a whisper, leaning around the boulder to get a better look. "Yes. You humans stay here until we can make sure the coast is clear. Diesel stay with Nichole and when I give the order, get her inside." Optimus gives the order and the bots creep their way to the cave entrance. A nod came from Lennox, Nichole and Diesel, understanding the plan. The soldiers watch the bots get close. Besides the wind, the area is silent. No sound is made other than the light footsteps of the bots closing in on the entrance.

Unsheathing of Primes sword echoed throughout the valley and that's when all hell broke loose. Ravage jumped clear out of the cave, plowing straight into the Prime. Both growling, one from anger the other from the impact. Prime is able to tear the mechanic panther off, throwing it across the valley. Quickly looking for another victim, Ravage went after the next closest bot. Decepticons began to run out of the cave, attacking the ready Autobots.

The battle is now in full swing. Though it wasn't until Megatron decided to come out that it became a party. Optimus immediately noticed as he took out another con. "MEGATRON!" He scorned, pointing his sword at the Decepticon leader. "Optimus Prime, I hope you are enjoying the welcome party I planned for you." Clashing of metal echoed throughout the valley, pausing the fight. "Let's get you in there." Diesel whispered to Nichole. She nodded, and they began to sneak around as the battle began again. Diesel kept out of the others way, making sure to keep Nichole hidden as much as possible. As soon as she saw the entrance to the cave, she sprinted. That was until two large feet landed in front of her, causing the ground to shake, sending her to the ground. "Where do you think your going?" The large seeker bellowed down to her.

Fear is the last thing going through her mind at this very moment. Before she could do anything, Diesel charged into Starscream, sending him to the ground. This gave Nichole her chance, but again she became blocked as Starscream slammed his hand on the ground in front of her, almost flattening her. He stood attempting to grab the Marine trying to slip past. This time, before he could grab her, she was grabbed by someone else first. Diesel took the initiative to attack Starscream again. "Where the fuck am I?" She shouted from the dark space she was shoved into. "You're in my subspace. You will be safe in here." It is Sideswipes voice, but she couldn't tell where it was coming from.

"Sideswipe. You need to let me out." Her shout muffled from being stuffed in his subspace. "No, its to dangerous." He grunted, taking another hit at a con. "I need to get to the cylinder." Her hand felt around in the dark space, trying to find a way out. "I promised to keep you safe." Anger rising in his throat. Though not sure who he is mad at more. "Sideswipe, I can fix this!" She cried out. "I can't lose you!" He growled as he took another swipe at the con, slicing right through it.

She stumbled from his sudden movements. The next one caused her to tumble back and slip through an opening she wasn't supposed to find. An opening that Sideswipe didn't know is there. She tumbled until she collided with a thin pane of glass, protecting a glowing blue ball of light. Tendrils are hitting the glass, trying to get to her. She jumped back in surprise, unsure what it is or what to do. "Sideswipe!!" She shouted, hoping the mech could hear her. "Nichole!" He felt the ping of her hitting the glass. "How did you get into my spark chamber?" He cried out, the tendrils desperately trying to get to her, causing him some stabbing pain. "This is your spark?" She asked in amazement. She had yet to be this close to one. " did you get in...there?" He grunted. "I don't know. I was moving around, then you moved, and I fell through a hole. Now here I am." "Well get out?!?" "I don't know how." "IF you don't get out now, my chamber will open." "Why?" Fear coursed through her at those words. She didn't know what would happen if she touched his spark, but she had a good idea of what might. That was not something she wanted to happen just yet.

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