Chapter 35

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"So, I'm a mythical creature. I mean I know I'm different, but I can't be Unicorn different." Nichole scoffed. Ratchet and Diesel have just tried to explain to her why she was able to survive the energon that had been poured on her. "Yeah that's what I said." Diesel said bluntly. Ratchet gave him a what the frag look. "You're not a mythical creature." Ratchet's voice raised, echoing throughout the room. Nichole winced back against Diesel. Diesel wrapped his servo around her, protecting her from the wrath of Ratchet. "Okay Ratchet. Calm down. I get it." She said with attitude behind her words. Ratchet gave a huff and mumbled a few words to himself. "You can leave the med bay today. Your scans all came out clear. I still don't have an explanation for the cold. I will have to do more research." Ratchet turned to his computers, tuning out the two in the room.

Diesel and Nichole took that as their cue to leave. With Nichole in his servo, Diesel walked out of the room and into the hallway where there is a set of twins waiting for her. "Nichole!" They both shouted as they saw the two walk out. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe huddled around Diesel to see her. "Nichole I'm so sorry for the things I said. I should have never let you leave. I don't know how I'll ever make it up to you." Sideswipe apologized, his optics showing the guilt he held inside. Nichole looked at him in surprise. Her eyes wide staring at Sideswipe waiting for the joke. "He's serious." Sunstreaker said pointing a thumb at his brother. She looked over at Sunstreaker then back at Sideswipe. She got over her initial shock and crossed her arms. "You won't make it up to me. Nothing you can do will work. Neither of you." Her words shot through them like a bullet.

"I don't know how I will be able to trust either of you again. It will take a lot of work, but I'm willing to try. But first I want to know why, Sunstreaker. Why did you betray us? What was so important that you had to work with the Decepticons? You let Diesel and the others go out into space to get ambushed. Prime is still struggling to heal. I was tortured by Megatron because he knew I was close to you. He knew I was a weakness. So, Why? Why did you do it? And you better have a good fucking answer." Her arms still crossed, eyes staring down at him. Sunstreaker looked away from a moment. Then he looked back at her, a new look in his optics. One she didn't understand. "His name is Kup. He is like a sire to me and Sideswipe. He was taken prisoner by the Decepticons and they only way I was able to get him back was if I did some of their bidding. The first thing was tracking down Diesel. I got lucky when he tried calling for help when you were ambushed. I didn't know anything about you then. I had no idea who you were until the day you came to base. To hear that you two were partners, hurt my spark more than you know. But I needed to get Kup back. He was already weak before the Decepticons captured him and I had to do something. I couldn't just let him die." He paused catching his breath.

"The last thing was to get Optimus and Diesel out of the way. I never knew why. I was never told details. All I knew was I had to make sure they were out of the way. I didn't know anything about Megatron capturing you, up until that day I found you. I had spent days on end looking for you. We all did. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. It already killed me enough to know you were missing and I was the cause. I just know that once Megatron got what he wanted, he would release Kup. Now Ratchet and Jolt are doing everything than can to keep him alive. I'm sorry I lied to you. I'm sorry for losing you. I just hope you understand why I did what I did." His voice slowly got quiet. He looked way, unsure of what to say next. Hoping that his explanation was enough for her. It had been for Sideswipe. For he had no idea that Kup had been taken prisoner.

Nichole stood in Diesels hand and began to pace. Her hand on her chin, other hand behind her back. Her eyes staring at the ground as she thought about everything she just heard. "You're going to create a hole in my servo." Diesel said sarcastically. "Oh, shut it. I'm trying to think." She snapped and kept walking. The twins stood waiting for her answer. Their patience running thin. Sideswipe opened his mouth to speak, but Nichole started before he could get a word out. "I need time to think. Diesel put me down please. I need to be alone." Sunstreaker felt his spark stop for a moment. Her words hurting, but he isn't about to say anything. He knows this is something probably tearing her apart inside. He watched as Diesel set his servo down on the ground and Nichole walk off. She continued to walk, not looking back. No one said anything until she was out of view.

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