Chapter 29

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They arrived back at base well into the night. There was a lot of cleanup work after Sideswipe found out what happened and more so trying to get a story out of Nichole. All she would do was say, over and over, "Sunstreaker betrayed us. He betrayed Prime. He betrayed me." Right now, everything was a complete mess. No one really knows what is going on. "Always knew that son of a glitch was going to betray us." Crosshairs scorned as he walked into the hanger. Without warning a metal fist collided with Crosshairs face. His eyes were red, his face contorted in anger. "Sunny wouldn't betray us if he had a reason." His fist is still pulled back, ready for another go. Sideswipe isn't going to let anyone talk about Sunstreaker that way. "O' yea then why ain't he here then. Why ain't Prime and the others back yet, or why ain't we had communication with 'em yet." Crosshairs shouted pointing a digit at him. Sideswipe stayed silent, knowing the older bot was right.

No one went to bed gently that night. The next few days weren't that great either. Guard duty had been doubled, security on high alert. No one goes out or comes in with out the correct approval. NEST has been working hard to locate Sunstreaker with no avail. The Autobots have been doing everything possible to find Optimus and the others, again to no avail. No one knows if they are alive or if the comm link has been damaged on their end. Nichole had gone into hiding. Her presences seemed to have disappeared. Some feel relieved to not have her around, but yet they feel as if they are just waiting for a volcano to blow. Sideswipe wondered around like a ghost, his body moved, but almost like it was just a shell. His voice seemed hollow and unrecognizable. It hurt the others to see him this way, but they knew there was nothing they could do.

Nichole woke up groggy to the sound of a knock on her door. Bags under her eyes, the same clothes sat wrinkled on her body from the last few days, as she slowly got up to see to the door. Her hair is a wild mess, tangled behind her head. She shied away from the light luminating into her room as she opened the door. "Ms. James?" A young soldier stood in the opening. "What?" Her voice came out hoarse. "Major Lennox would like to see you." He answered quietly. "Why?" "I'm not sure. He just told me to come get you." He jumped back as she gave a loud growl at him. "Tell him I need an I need a reason." She stated slamming the door and practically crawled back to her bed. Not a moment after she got to the bed, just as she had the sheets in her hand, a knock was heard on the door again. Grumbling and stomping her feet to the door again, she tightly grabbed the handle and yanked it open. "What!" She shouted. "Your coming to my office whether you like it or not!" Lennox shouted back at her. "What if I don't want to!" "I don't care! Get your ass up to my office and shower first! You look like shit." She grumbled an answer then closed the door and began to get a shower ready.

After her shower, she spent over twenty minutes brushing the tangles from her hair. Though, it didn't help that her hands didn't want to work. They felt like weights were holding them down. It took most of her strength to lift the brush to the top of her head and slowly bring it down through her hair. She continued to struggle until there were tears in her eyes. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the weak tears. When her eyes opened, she jumped in surprise. "Sunstreaker?" She questioned herself. Standing behind her in the mirror is Sunstreaker's holoform, looking sadly at her, cuts and gashes covering his beautiful face, hair disheveled and dirty. Her hand reached out without her commanding it to, touching the mirror where it seemed he was. He didn't move or reach out to her. More tears began to stream out of her hollow eyes. "Sunstreaker." She cried out. Closing her eyes, hand still on the mirror, crying, more like sobbing. When she finally looked back up, he was gone. She whipped her head around behind her. Nothing, there is nothing to show if he was really there. He is just a figment of her imagination. Rubbing her eyes harshly, she but herself back together.

Soldiers stood back in surprise to see her walking though the hanger. Almost as if they were seeing a ghost. Some looked down on her, unsure of what to really feel. Some felt pity, sorrow. All of them were feeling their own pain, but what happened to her was much worse. Just when she had everything, it all vanished, gone without a trace. She strutted across the cement floor, head held high. She was not going to show any kind of weakness. Skipping a step as she went up to the second floor to the Major's office. She didn't bother to knock as she stepped into his office. "What do you want?" She growled. She strutted to the chair, putting her hands on the back of the chair that sat in front of his desk. Knuckles turning white from gripping so hard. "We need to talk about what happened." His hands were crossed in front of him, elbows on the desk.

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