Chapter 1

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*one year prior*

"We will be having a Marine veteran coming to stay here for the next few weeks." Major Lennox told the soldiers and Autobots in the room. He stood on top of a platform so everyone in the room could see him. 

"I ask that you not hound her with questions and leave her be, unless needed. She has just recently been medically discharged from the Marine Corps, for an injury that happened while deployed to Afghan. I know you are all wondering, why is some random vet coming here? What's so special about her? Well She knew a Autobot. In fact, they were partners. He has been critically wounded in combat with her. She unfortunately believes he passed away. He is on his way here on a ship from Afghan, but he won't be here for another two weeks. Ratchet is with him right now, making sure he makes it. So, I ask that you give her space. I could barely get her to talk about it, I doubt she will talk to any of you. I'm warning you all now." He explained to the men and bots.

"When is she getting here?" A soldier asked from down below.

"She will be here later this afternoon." Lennox answered. "Dismissed." He shouted and everyone in the room besides the Autobots disbanded.

The largest of the bots, walked closer to the platform. His head held high, shoulders back, respect and authority bleeding off him as he walked, blues and reds mixed against his muscular frame.

"I am going to need answers from her." A deep baritone voice rang out from his vocal cords.

"I know, Optimus. I tried to explain that to her. She is very stubborn, especially after what happened." Lennox said.

"I'm sure she's not as stubborn as Sunny over here." A primary red bot, shorter than Optimus, chimed in, pointing his thumb at a metallic gold bot the same height and build. The said bot proceeded to slap the red bot over the head.

"Don't call me that." He growled.

"From what I gathered just talking to her for a few minutes and talking to her superiors, she's probably worse than Sunstreaker." Lennox concurred.

There was a slight gasp among the bots in the room.

"How can a fleshy be worse than me?" Sunstreaker snapped, the idea to having someone like him and possibly worse, angered him greatly.

"We will all find out soon enough. She's got an attitude that the Marine Corps couldn't get out of her, but they needed it on the battle field. She's a frontliner from what I've heard." Lennox continued. Sunstreaker scoffed and walked off out of the hanger.

"There will be a change in the winds when she gets here." Optimus foretold, watching as Sunstreaker stomped down the hall, his twin chasing after him.

Lennox nodded in agreement. "Epps and I will be going to pick her up from the airport in about an hour. You all will stay here. I don't need her having a heart attack just before getting her here." Lennox pointed a finger to them all.

"I thought she knew about us?" Questioned a pitch black beefy bot that stood next to Optimus.

"She does, but I don't know how much she actually knows. For all I know, she only knew the one bot, nothing about you guys." Lennox pointed out. The bot nodded and began to walk away, some of the other bots in the room leaving with him.

"Are you sure you don't want one of us going with?" Optimus questioned.

"No, we are going to take one of the jeeps. We will be good Prime, don't worry. I got this." The major gave the Prime a smirk and made his way down the platform to get ready to head out.

Lennox and Epps thought of theories about her on their way to pick her up from the airport. They don't know exactly what happened to her and the bot while she was in Afghan. They only know from what her superiors told Lennox and his superior who had met with them earlier this week. They knew she had been severely injured on the battle field. Her bot had tried to take more of the brutal force, something that almost cost him his life. She was pulled away before she was able to know if he was okay or not. After meeting with her, she concluded that he died saving her life and that she would have to live with that. They hope she doesn't have to, they hope Ratchet will be able to save him. They won't know until he gets back with the bot. Epps thought maybe they were fighting cons, just no one really knew. They were told there weren't any cons. They had been in an ambush against the Taliban, a rising force in the middle east. There had been rumors that they had began to team up with the cons. Two forces coming together for different causes, but both want to rule. No one hoped those rumors were true.

They pulled up to the airport, parked in one of the lots and made their way up to the terminal. They got there early to make sure they didn't miss her. Her medical officer was worried she might try and run off, her mind was not in a good state right now. Or so they were told. The Nest job was to get information from her and try and heal her to the best of their ability. Well, that is what Lennox promised her superior and to her. Though she made it clear she didn't believe him and wasn't about to anytime soon.

He told Epps how she had acted upon meeting him. She was harsh and cold; her eyes were dark and lifeless. Her face held no emotions, straight face, lips pierced together. She wouldn't sit when he talked to her, she stood, feet about a foot apart, hands behind her back in parade rest. Though her eyes were always looking around, but when she spoke, her eyes bore into his, claiming his full attention. Lennox explained how he had never met a soldier so alive yet lifeless and it honestly scared him.

Epps was able to understand what he was talking about the minute he put his eyes on her. She walked through the gates, her stone cold gray eyes staring straight in front of her. Epps leaned back in with a mix of fear and interest, noticing the large deep scar across her cheek going down the side of her neck. Lennox stood his ground as the girl walked closer to them. She had on a simple attire, a pair of blue jeans that hug her hips, a simple black V-neck t-shirt that hugged her curves, and a pair of black combat boots. She held a backpack over her shoulder as she walked with confidence towards the two men. She stopped when she got in front of them, standing at a partial parade rest.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen." She greeted, her voice emotionless.

"Its good to see you again, Sargent." Lennox gave her a small smile, hoping she would return it. There was nothing from her, she just stood there.

She looked over at Epps, "Nichole James. I'm not in the service anymore, so don't worry about calling me by my rank." She shook Epps hands and the last part pointed at both men.

"Epps." He said messaging his hand after she let go.

"Let's go get the rest of your bags." Lennox suggested. She said nothing and started to head to the baggage claim, the two soldiers following her.

"How was the flight?" Lennox asked trying to start a light conversation.

"It was fine. Don't feel the need to make small talk with me, sir. We both know it won't get us anywhere." She stated her tone flat and unwelcoming.

"Well okay then." He whispered to Epps. Epps heaved out a sigh.

"This is going to be harder than we though." Epps whispered leaning over, Lennox nodding in agreement.

They stayed a few feet behind her, unsure how close they should get. They could feel the coldness from her heart seeping off of her.

"She reminds me of Sunstreaker. I'd hate to get her angry." Epps mumbled, making sure she wouldn't hear.

They were down at the baggage claim, waiting for her bags. She stood in front of them, holding her carry on bag, waiting. Once she spots her bags she quickly set foot to grab them. She only had two more bags, large bags on wheels. Lennox and Epps reached to grab her bags for her.

"I can pull my own bags, thank you." She grunted, slinging her other strap from her backpack over her other shoulder, one bag in each hand. The two backed off and told her to follow them out to the jeep.

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