Chapter 17

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His brother was on the other end of the bond. Wondering what happened. As Sunstreaker had kept Sideswipes part of the bond closed off while he talked to Nichole. He didn't know how he would explain to his brother. He wasn't even sure himself of what happened. "Sunny, tell me what happened?" Sideswipe nagged on the other end. "I'm not even sure." He told him, pushing him through the bond. "I called her beautiful and she ran away." "Maybe she's never had someone give her a complement." Sides suggested. "Maybe. Is she still in the hanger?" "Nah she had to go see Ratchet for something." "Her surgery isn't until next week." Sunstreaker mumbled. "She's getting surgery? For what?" He forgot Sideswipe didn't know about Nichole's surgery. "I don't know what for. I just overheard her and Ratchet talking about it the other day." He drove back into the bay. He slowly transformed, hydraulics hiss, gears grind. Sunstreaker's transformations was one of the best out of the team. He always had to look good.

Most of the Autobots were in the hanger, besides Optimus, Ratchet and Diesel. "What's going on?" Sunstreaker asked his twin. Sides gave him a shrug, unsure about it as well. Not too much longer, Optimus, Lennox and Epps walked out of one of the conference rooms. None looked happy. "We got word of Decepticon sightings in Afghanistan. So far no damage or interaction with civilians." Lennox started. "Autobots. We need to go and check it out. Only about 4 or 5 of us need to go. I will lead, who wants to volunteer?" Optimus stood over his Autobots. Looking them over. "I'll go, Optimus." Mirage held up his hand. "I'll roll along." Jazz stepped forward. "Sunny and I will go." Sideswipe offered. A disgruntled look showed on Sunstreaker's face before he slapped the back of his brother's head for the nickname. "No, I need you two at base and as backup." Optimus ordered. The twins looked at each other in confusion before nodding in agreement. "Then three of us will go." Arcee rolled up with her sisters behind her. "Perfect. Autobots...Roll out." The ones going began their transformations into their alt modes. Optimus lead and the others followed.

The other Autobots, besides Sunstreaker and Sideswipe, went to find stuff to do. Whether it was cleaning weapons, training, or socializing in the rec room. "I need to find Nichole." Sunstreaker said to Sideswipe before walking towards the medical room. Sideswipe decided to tag along. In the medical room, Ratchet was going over the surgery with Nichole. Diesel stood, arms crossed, leaning against the wall behind the human berth. "Now you can still change your mind and have someone at the VA do it. I'm sure Lennox can get you in quick." Ratchet restated. He read over how to do the surgery a hundred times, but he was still nervous. "No, if someone is going to do the surgery, it will be you." She stated if not ordered, it sounded like. "Alright, alright. Just be in here by 0600 on Monday. Come in something comfortable. You'll be laying down for a while. Don't eat or drink after midnight. After surgery you going to be on bedrest. You will be in your room. Not in Diesels cab." He pointed a digit at her, his optics staring into her eye's, so she knew he was serious. She rolled her eyes at him but nodded. "I'll see you then." She gave him a mock salute and her and Diesel left the room.

Outside the room, Sunstreaker and Sideswipe waited for them to come out. Nichole was the first one to walk out. Her eyes immediately met Sunstreaker's optics, then a few seconds she looks away, her face never showing the emotion filling up inside. Her stomach began to twist and curl, her head seemed to become dizzy. Feelings she's never felt before. For a moment she thought she was sick. "Nichole." Sunstreaker put some strain into her name, his optics never leaving her. She stopped in her tracks and without turning around, "What do you want?" She asks. "Can we please talk?" Sunstreaker walks up behind her, hoping she will turn and look at him. "There is nothing to talk about." Her voice thick, hiding what she is really feeling. "yes..." "No!" She raised her voice cutting him off, looking over her shoulder.

"I should not have forgiven you so easily." Her voice darkened, the room seemed to darken. A shock look came over his face plate. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe looked at each other in confusion as well as shock. "What more..." Sunstreaker started. "Don't start. You don't know me. You know nothing about my time overseas. You don't know anything of what I was ORDERED TO DO. The next time I catch you eavesdropping, your spark will go out. That's not a threat, that's a promise." She glared at him over her shoulder, daggers hitting him straight in the spark. He staggered back, hand to his spark, trying to catch his breath. He felt as if he had just been shot. "Sunny?" Sideswipe let his brother lean against him. Sideswipe looked over at the cold-hearted Marine. He could feel the hurt she is giving his brother. He could feel his brothers spark yearning for her, for her to not be serious. He looked at Diesel, hoping for a sign she wasn't being real. Diesel kept his gaze away from the twins. Diesel knew what she was doing, but he knew he couldn't stop her.

Her shoulders fell forward, then she walked away. Diesel took a quick glance at the twins. Sunstreaker was still holding onto his spark, watching the women walk away. He couldn't take his optics off of her. Diesel knew they both were hurting. There was nothing he could do. They now had to work it out between themselves. The fight would always continue, but hopefully in their spark/heart, they would see that they are meant to be. Diesel gave a low sigh, turned and walked away. "Diesel." He stopped in his tracks. "I need to know...How do I win her over?" Sunstreaker's voice was quiet, almost to quiet. "Son...that is something you have to figure out. I can't help you." Diesel said over his shoulder, then walked away.

He caught up quickly to Nichole. She was to angry to care if he was there or not. She kept walking, Soldiers move quickly out of her way. Everyone had heard her voice echo throughout the hallways and bays. She didn't stop until she stood in front of the range room. "Nichole?" Diesel warned. She snapped her eyes to his optics. He could see the fire raging in her eyes. Her stone-cold grays were laced with rage. There was no stopping what she was about to do. She looked back in the room and strutted in. Not stopping until she was by the weapons. Men moved out of her way, curious yet scared of what she was about to do. She looked over to the other side of the range, looking over the targets that were set up. She grabbed a small pistol, loaded it with eight shots. Before Diesel could reach her, she found the target with the human silhouette and shot. Firing out the eight rounds in the pistol while screaming a battle cry.

She doesn't know how long she stood there, how many rounds the continued to fire. The target wasn't even there anymore. She just kept shooting tell the paper fell thin, tell the hole through the chest of it was smoking. No one dared to stop her. No one dared get in her way. Diesel had to hold back Lennox and Epps from stopping her. She was going against her orders. At this point she didn't care. She cared about nothing. Any soldiers that had been in the room, stood still near the door, watching her get her anger out. Watching in fear that she might turn on them. The base had been put on lock down because know one knew if she would turn the weapon on them. She was unpredictable at this point. Diesel did everything he could to keep the other at bay for her. He tried to convince them she would do no harm. She intended to do no harm, only harm to the target in front of her. Her intent was to get the rage that was boiling inside her out. She reached for another weapon, more ammo. "Nichole!" A husky voice rang throughout the room. Her head snapped to the golden finned Autobot.

"Please." BANG "Stop" BANG "Nichole see" BANG BANG. Sunstreaker huffed in annoyance. Nichole eyes never left his optics as she took each shot. "Listen please." BANG...BANG...BANG. He took a step closer, much to Diesel delight. Each step he took, she took a shot. He transformed and let his holoform come online. He slowly tried to make his way to her but stopped dead in his tracks. She turned the weapon on him. "Take one more step...I dare you." She said through clenched teeth. More soldiers made their way quickly out of the room. Not wanting to stay around for what could happen. "Fuck." Lennox whispered. Everyone stilled, waiting for her next move. Sunstreaker put his hands up in defense. "Nichole, please listen." He jumped as she shot the target once again, then brought the weapon back to him. "Listen to what? Your lies." She snarled. "No, my apology." "LIES!" She screamed, she began to shake with anger. She tried as hard as she could to control herself. "Nichole, you need to calm down." Diesel stepped in. It was going to far.

"Please, Nichole. I am truly sorry. I should have never listened. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I know you value trust more than anything. All I want is that trust. I I need your trust." He looked away before he continued. "Nichole" He started, his voice barely above a whisper. "I need you." He looked back up and met her eyes. A light glaze formed over her eyes, tears she would never let break. "I know you feel the pull. I know I messed up and should of never said those things." He wanted more than anything to walk up and caress her cheek again. He wanted more than anything to wrap his arms around her waist, pull her in close and hold her. Kiss the pain away. Kiss the pain she was holding in. He knows she wouldn't shoot him, he could feel it. The silent room watched as he took the small steps to get close to her. She watched his every move. Her finger on the trigger twitched. She knew she couldn't do it. For the first time she couldn't pull the trigger. Her hand dropped, the gun fell to the floor. Sunstreaker caught her before she could fall to the ground. She finally broke. He broke through. 

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