Chapter 18

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Diesel ushered everyone out of the room. Telling them to leave the two alone. Once he was sure everyone left, he left as well. Closing the door behind him so they could have privacy. Sunstreaker kneeled on the floor next to Nichole, his arms wrapped around her body. Holding the shaking girl close, while he rested his chin on her head. Her head fit perfectly in the crook of his neck while she let everything out. He ran his fingers threw her hair, trying to calm her down. He was just as confused, and she was about the pull, but he had time to adjust to it. There was no denying it now. The room was deadly silent, except for the light sniffles from Nichole. Time was unknown to them at this point. Neither cared to know at this point. They don't know how long they sat there on the floor. Dust and dirt covering the knees on their jeans. Tears stained Sunstreakers shirt. As much as he loved to keep a good image, he could care less. The broken-down female in front of him was the only he cared about at this moment.

Her hands fell to her thighs as her sniffling slow came to an end. She had cried to many tears and she wasn't sure if it was for just Sunstreaker or if it was for her past wrongdoings. She didn't care, a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She moved her head to where it seemed to be pushing against the Autobot, but she was only leaning, not ready to lift up her head. Sunstreaker kept his fingers brushing through her hair. Seeing as she hasn't yelled at him yet for it, he assumed she liked it.

"We caught wind of a plagued town about ten kliks from our camp. Our orders were to kill them all. No one knew if they were contagious or not. No one knew anything about it. Our higher ups didn't want to wait and find out. it was the five of us. We didn't know what we were going to find." She paused to take in a deep breath.

"As we started walking towards the city, the more bodies we found. You couldn't tell who they were. They were covered in boils and pus. It was disgusting to look at. It was the first time I wanted to throw up since I was in. I could handle anything, but that... that stench was brutal. When we got closer we found women and children. You could tell who was infected and who wasn't. The ones that were, just suffering, waiting to die. We had to put on our hazmat suits and gas masks. When we called in about the women and children, saying that not all looked infected. My team didn't want to kill them."

"They didn't even think they could killed the children that were infected." She looked up at Sunstreaker as she said this, a dark look in her eye seemed to be glowing. Then she looked away as if nothing happened. Leaning her head back against him.

"I remember calling them cowards, pussy's, weak, any name I could think of. It would be an easy mission. Just go in and shoot. How hard is that? Well they didn't care what I called them, they weren't going to do it. So, I had to go alone. I grabbed extra ammo from them. We had just enough to kill everyone. There were around thirty people in the small village. The plague had already killed over half of them. I can still hear them screaming. Begging for mercy as I shot one after another. Most that were infected were too weak to move and the ones still healthy enough to run, wouldn't. I expected some to, but no one did. I did a walk through of every bungalow, making sure I didn't miss anybody and if I did, they didn't last long. It was a silent mission, one no one knew about unless they had to. Our superiors didn't want the public to know we gunned down a whole village. Out of the five of us, it was said I was the one that was going to go crazy first, because I was the one who fulfilled the assignment. No, two offed themselves not even a week later of getting back to the states. One went crazy, but never killed himself. And the last one did alright. I know he has some problems, but not enough to worry about. We were the only two who could act like it never happened." She spilled the rest out, not even looking at Sunstreaker. Most seemed muffled into his chest, but he heard every word.

They sat in silence again. Sunstreaker taking in what he just heard. He didn't know what to say. By the tone of her voice as she told him the story, she wasn't upset by it. At one point she sounded guilty, but it quickly vanished. It was an order, like if he was ordered to do something, he would do it without asking. She did the same thing. Do as your told and don't ask questions.

"Growing up, Sides and I had to fight to survive. And when I mean fight, I mean it. We were gladiators in the pits. We grew up fighting in the pits, having to kill other cybertronians to survive. We have a pit coding that caused us to fight like animals. It was a horrible place to grow up, but we needed to. Fighting was the only way we could get energon. I don't know how many I killed, how many Sides and I killed. We were the best of the best, until the war broke out." He seemed to stare at the wall as he told her his story. He had yet to notice that she was looking up at him with interest. They had something in common. Well they had more than one thing in common.

"Do you regret it?" She asked, his eyes snapped down to hers.

"Sometimes, but we survived. I don't know what I would of done if I lost Sides. It was the only way for us to live." He said with a shrug.

"Do you regret killing all those people?" his eye still gazing into hers, holding the stare as tight as he could.

"No." She said in a dead voice. He looked away and nodded.

"Come we should get you cleaned up and something to eat." Sunstreaker said changing the subject. There was something she wasn't telling him and it he knew it would be awhile tell she could trust him enough tell. He could tell by the way her eyes looked away from his for just a seconded, not even a second. It was barely noticeable, but he caught it. So, he decided to leave it alone. She regretted something, but he would have to wait to find out. He stood and held his hand out for her to grab. She hesitated for just a moment but grabbed it anyway and stood. The feeling of electricity running through them, made their hair stand on end. She looked straight into his eyes, to see if he felt it too. They way his bright blue eyes gazed into her eyes and widened the moment they touched, told her enough. She grabbed his other hand and they stood there for a few more moments, just gazing into each other's eyes. She had to look up to him as the top of her head reach just under his collarbone. "Just kiss already!" two voices yelled form the entry to the range.

The glares the couple held to the two Autobots that interrupted seemed to shoot them straight to the core. "If looks could kill." Sideswipe said silently before backing up. Diesel didn't say anything but continue to watch the two. A grin stuck to his face plates. Sunstreaker looked back at the tear stained women he was still holding hands with. Her eyes were fixed on Diesel as if talking to him without words. There was danger clouding her eyes and hate for the ruined moment. "Get out!" She shouted, her voice gone cold, making all three jump. The two ran without looking back but laughing all the way down the hall. She looked back up to Sunstreaker, clearing her throat. "Well now that they are gone, how bout that kiss?" He said with a smirk. His eyes glowing with hope and happiness. Something he never thought he would find for a femme. She rolled her eyes before letting go of his hands and walking out of the room. He watched her walk away for a moment. Taking in how her aft looked perfect in the jeans she was wearing, before running after her.

"Wait up." He yelled after her. She looked over her shoulder giving him a smirk before running out of the room and down the hall. His alt left almost forgotten in the range room. He knew he would be able to catch her right away, but where was the fun in that. She ran as fast as she could, dodging people and Autobots. She turned down a different hallway that led to the barracks rooms. She struggled to get her key out of her pocket for her room, hoping to get in before he could catch her. Just as she was about to put the key into the handle, his arms were wrapped around her waist. "Where do you think your going?" He breathed into her ear. His breath tickling her neck, giving her a different sensation, one she wasn't used to. She tried hard not to laugh, she tried to get out of his grip, but he held on tight. "Let go of me!" She yelled, trying to sound angry. "But I don't want to." He whined. "I finally got you. I don't want to let you go." Though he couldn't see it, she rolled her eyes at him. She wouldn't admit it, but she felt something while he held her. She doesn't know what the feeling is, but she like it. So much for being a stone-cold warrior.

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