Be My Date?

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[Lmao enjoy my guys >:))))]

My alarm went off, and I sat up immediately. I barely got sleep from all of the weird things coming to my mind. I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just say my thoughts escalated quickly all the time. I got off my soft bed, and put my hero suit on.

 I put the giant, blue, metal rings around my two wrists, and headed off to the main room. We all received mail from our mailboxes, so I heard from the screeching Kendo. She ran into me, and gave me a big hug. “L/N, THERE’S GOING TO BE A DANCE!” She yelled in excitement. I just nod.

 There are a lot of people in panic, and a lot of people with cocky grins on their face like they got this. “Who are you going with L/N?” Kendo asked with a giant grin on her face.

 I rubbed my head. “Uhm.. I have a couple people in mind, but I just wanted the food..” I mutter the last part. I looked at Pony, who seemed to be a bit confused.

There is way too much going on in this room. I went to make my leave, but my arm was grabbed. I sway my head back to a cocky face. “Man F/N, you should go with someone your type, hmm, let’s see.. trash.” He smirked.

 I smacked the back of his head. “Like you’ll get a date, all the girls in 1A hate you, and all the girls here think you’re way too creepy.” I say with a grin. “I’d like to object, who can turn down this handsome face?” he said striking a pose, which had me weak.

 I started cracking up. “I rather go with that grape kid from 1A!” I said in between my laughs. He crossed his arms. “Best date contest?” he suggests with a smirk. I smirked back, “Best date contest.” I said, and we shook our hands.

 This is going to be very easy, he can’t get a girl to save his life with his cocky attitude. I already knew who I was going to ask. We might have not had the best of times in the past, but we got along at lunch when we came across each other, and apologized.

 We all made our way outside to practice our super moves again. We got to the building early where 1A was still practicing. Monoma decided to make a stupid speech about the license exam rates.

 I felt someone breathe on my leg. I turned around to see no one until I looked down. Is he.. sniffing me?! “WHAT THE HECK DUDE!” I yell, and jump away. It’s that grape kid I played with online.

 “Wow L/N, your hero suit is quite revealing..” he drooled. I gagged. He got wrapped around in tape from a guy with weird elbows. He muttered something under his breath, and waved to me.

 This class is.. well.. it’s a class for sure. The class finally left for our class to start practicing. I made my way to my rock, and started thinking about my super move name. Speaking of moves, I thought about Monoma’s. His quirk copies other people’s quirks. Can he even have a super move? This is not the time to think about him.

 I thought about my move, and used my quirk with the rings. I decided to make my move a super blast. I waited until I had a lot of water inside of the rings to use my move.

 “TIDAL BLAST!” I screamed while having a huger amount of water coming from my hands. Ectoplasm nodded with my move, and I panted from the power amount I just used.

-Time Skip-

 After training for about two hours, it was time for lunch, aka the time where you ask people out for the dance as Kendo put it. She’s waiting for Tetsutetsu to say something about it, but if I’m being brutally honest, he probably won’t.

 I tried to find the person I was looking for, until I saw Monoma by a group of girls. I started cackling. They all look like they’d rather die at the moment.

 I then seen Hatsume walk up to him. Something hit my stomach. It wasn’t something physical, but it sure was something. Stop caring F/N. You’re not jealous. You’re confused, and proud? He’s your friend god dammit!

 I went back looking for my guy. I found him sitting by himself looking half what asleep. I knocked on the table and he snapped out of it. “Oh, L/N.” he greeted. “Heyyyy Shinso..” I said with a creepy looking face.

 I kind of felt bad for him sitting alone, so I sat down with him. “Need something?” he asks. I nod. “I was wondering if you wanted to go to the dance with me.. if that’s alright.” I give him a smile.

 He sits completely up. “I’m not sure why you’re asking me this.” He says confused. I’m not completely sure either. “Well, we’re friends, and we both look lonely, and might turn into a crazy cat person, so why not?” I say with a stupid smile.

 He gives me a small chuckle. “Sure, why not, but only one dance then I’m leaving you. I’m just saying yes because I feel bad, nothing else.” He says with a blush on his cheeks. Seeing his blush makes me blush, and nod.

 “I’ll pick you up at 7?” he asks, and I nod again. “Catch you later my dude.” I said awkwardly with finger guns, which caused him to give me a small smile.

 While walking backwards, keeping my view on Shinso’s smile I ran into someone. “Oh look here, I have a date L/N.” Monoma says with his finger pointing to Hatsume.

 “Well I have a date too, he’s so much better by the way.” I say with my hands on my hips. “Someone to accept you? Must be imagination.” He laughed. “At least my date doesn’t refer to inventions as babies!” I say.

 “My date looks like they get sleep, couldn’t say the same for yours.” He smirks. “Yeah right, he looks like he gets sleep everyday.. HE’S ALSO CUTE!” I yell. “Well my date looks alive!” he yells back.

 Kendo put her big fist in between the two of us. “No time to fight L/N, we got to have a girl talk. NOW.” she says ignoring Monoma. I follow her to the table with all the other girls in my class.

 “Tetsutetsu didn’t ask me out yet..” she pouts. I frown along with the rest of the girls. “Maybe he isn’t in to yo-“ I was cut off my Pony smacking me.

 “Don’t worry Kendo! I shall save the day, fear not, I AM HERE!” I screech with my hands on my hips as if I were All Might.

 I walked over to Tetsutetsu sitting with his act alike rival. “Hi Kirishima!” I say while grabbing Tetsu’s ear. He gave me a casual look, and smiled. “Hey L/N!” he said while waving.

 I dragged Tetsutetsu to the hallway. “Do you know what today is Tetsu?” I ask. He gave me a smile. “Yeah, it’s Tuesday!” he says looking like he aced a test. I face palmed. “You know, people are asking people to the dance today.” I say.

 He frowns. “There’s a dance?” Triple OOF. “Kendo still doesn’t have a date you know, I would totally ask her, she’s super manly with her quirk.” I sigh. He nods, and walks away.

 The day is saved, by the one and only me! Now all I gotta do is find a dress from my closet, and get ready for tomorrow night.

 Sounds easy enough.

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