The Exam

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"Welcome to today's live performance! Can everybody say "HEY"!
No one said hey... it was now just awkward silence..

Present Mic looked terribly embarrassed on the stage. He then explained the rules for the exam. I already kind of knew the rules, but I still respectfully listened to him, like everyone else here.

After Present Mic finished explaining the rules, everyone got changed their outfits getting ready by the gate.

I wore a black tank top, spandex leggings, and converse sneakers. I went up to the gate, and stood there getting ready with everyone else. Out of no where I felt a bump on my back. It was the green haired boy that I've seen earlier!

" A-ah..s-sorry.. " the boy said, literally trembling on his own words. "It's fine, it's crowded here, so I don't blame you bumping into me" I said trying to make him feel some what comfortable. "Move you losers" a dirty blonde haired boy, with red eyes yelled, looking pretty annoyed. It made the green haired boy jump. I felt really bad. " name is F/N L/N" trying to not make it weird, I put my hand out. "I-Izuku Midoriya" the green haired boy replied while shaking my hand. His smile was a nice smile, a smile you barely see every so often. Then there was me, smiling like an idiot. "I hope we can meet again, Midoriya" I said leaving him alone.

I then moved up closer to the gate, and heard Present Mic, waiting for him to announce us to go.

As soon as I heard him I ran in between people. I then see a robot, it appears that the robot was a two pointer. I blasted water out of the palm of my two hands, aiming the water to the center of the robot. Water got into the robot's circuits, and it tumbled down. Two points..I'll have to do better than that if I am going to make into U.A.

I sprinted over to more robots, taking them down easily. I then ran into a corner of a building, and put my hands on my knees, panting. "Jesus I need to work on my cardio way more.." I said breathing in and out, sounding like a dying whale. I felt a cold touch on my cheek.

"Thanks for giving me your ability, I'll be sure to use it right!" A blonde haired boy yelled while running out of my sight. What just happened...? I ran over to the boy who touched my cheek and seen him fight a robot with a water quirk. It looked like it was similar to mine..? Before I knew it, time was up leaving me with about 42 points.

I felt proud of myself, I mean it's not every day a girl like me fights robots so many times bigger than myself. I hope that Midoriya kid passed. For God's sake, I hope I passed. I hurry up and change out of my clothes quickly, and put my regular uniform on. I believe Nezu is still doing paper work in his office so I'll walk home by myself. While walking, negative thoughts ran through my mind..what if I don't make it in? Will I ever be a hero? Without realizing it, I bumped into someone.

"You should really watch where you're going, you could have bumped into a person who did horrible on the exams, and are pissed." the blonde haired boy said with a sly look on his face. " sorry! Aren't you the boy with the water quirk?" I asked with a curious look on my face. He laughed at what  I said. I'm now confused on why he's laughing, is there something on my face besides ugliness? "You could say that" the blonde blue eyed boy replied back.

"Oh cool! I have a water quirk too!" I said, getting ready to introduce myself to him. "Bye now." he then parted away from me to a group of people. Welp, guess I couldn't introduce myself to him.

I got onto the train, and went home. I grabbed the key under the doormat in front of my house, and opened the door. I put the key on the kitchen counter, and went up stairs into my room. I got changed into my pajamas, wearing a white t-shirt and long blue pajama pants. I put on my f/c slippers and went downstairs to see Nezu making dinner.

"How was the exam, Y/N"? He asked. "It was great, I hope at least.." I replied with a nervous look on my face. "Nice to hear" he said with a smile, putting two plates of pasta on the table. I started to eat and think about U.A. "You'll be getting a letter in two days, and it will determine if you will be getting into U.A" he stated. "I'm so excited, yet nervous, dad. What if I don't make it..I only scored 42 points.." I said staring down at my half eaten plate of pasta. "I guess we'll find out soon" Nezu said with a smirk on his face. I finished eating my pasta, and washed it in the sink. I yawned, feeling a little sore. "Night dad". "Night Y/N".

I started to walk up the stairs, and turned to my room. I flopped on my bed and went to sleep.

Two days passed by quicker than I expected. I was at the table eating bacon and eggs for breakfast with Nezu. I heard a knock on the door. "I'll go get it" I insisted to Nezu. I walked to the door, and opened it. No one was there. I looked down and was an envelope! IT'S HERE! I bent down and grabbed it and immediately opened it.

                                                      Dear F/N L/N,
You have passed the entrance exams from the number of robots you took down. You will be in class 1-B. We hope to see you soon!

A smile appeared on my face. Then a hologram of All Might explained basically what I read on the note. I felt like I was going to faint, I now have a chance to be a hero! I ran over to Nezu, crouched down and gave him a big hug. "I'm guessing you made it in, Y/N" he chuckled. "I can't believe I made it!" I said trying to hold back tears of joy. The rest of the day was amazing.

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