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Me and Kendo walked back inside following the other students. We went into the girl's locker room and got changed right away so we didn't miss lunch.

I was the last one out of the classroom. I went to lunch alone which was fine with me because of my anxiety. I got my lunch and looked for a table to sit at.

I then seen an empty table calling my name so I walked to it. Before I got a chance to sit down at the empty table I heard my name being called.

"L/N! Come over and sit with us!" Kendo kindly waved over to me.

I didn't want to tell her I didn't want to sit with her because she was super nice me, but that empty table..without thinking about it more I turned my body around, and walked over to Kendo's table.

I sat down next to her with my head down low. On the other side, sitting next to me was the girl with the horns. She had blonde hair and blue eyes.

"This is Tsunotor Pony, she's from America,  isn't that cool" Kendo says.

"Woah..I've heard good things about America, maybe you could tell me things about it" I say. "Oh, and I'm F/N L/N" keeping a smile on my face with my hand out.

"Yeah, I don't know much about Japan though, maybe you could tell me more about that" she says shaking my hand back.

We started talking about the back race thing, kind of making me feel embarrassed.

"I'm fine, trust me guys" I say with a reassuring smile in which they returned. "I'll be right back" Kendo says leaving me and Pony confused for a while.

She came back pulling the blonde boy's hair dragging him over to the table. Why is she bringing him near me? He's the last person I want to see right now.

"Say it" Kendo said raising her free hand above him.

"I'm sorry, I guess" he said not sounding sincere at all, but I could honestly care less about his stupid apology.

"Say it like you mean it" she said still with a terrifying smile on her face.

"I'm sorry L/N" he said with a scared look on his face.

"Now L/N, accept his apology" she said turning the creepy smile to me.

" Umm..what? " I said confused on why I need to accept his forced apology he didn't mean.

"Please.." She said with puppy eyes. I couldn't say no to that.

"It's alright.." I hesitated.


"I could always take my acceptance away you know" I said holding in a laugh. He sat across from me at the table.

We all started talking about hero names even though I had no clue on what to call myself.

" Hmm..from what I saw your quirk is something water related, so why not 'The Sprinkler'" Kendo says.

"That sounds extremely stupid, so I guess that fits L/N" the blonde boy says staring directly at me.

Kendo hit his neck causing him to hit his head on the table. I laughed a bit with Pony not feeling sorry for him whatsoever.

I thought about that name, and it kind of fits me, but it doesn't exactly feel right to me.

Before I knew it the bell rang, and lunch period was over. The rest of the school day we had to listen to Mr.Kan explain what we'll be doing this year, and more rules.

It was very boring but I listened and even wrote some notes on what he was saying. I then felt a piece of my hair being pulled.

I turned around and seen Monoma leaning back on his chair with his hands behind his head looking casual. I looked back and started to listen to Mr.Kan again. A couple seconds later I felt my hair being pulled again.

I turned my head back and whisper screamed "stop" to Monoma. He just smiled in the same pose.

I know it's not very hero of me to think this, but I wanted to slam his head onto his desk. Why am I thinking this? I'm dark.

I turned my head one last time and continued to write some more notes in my black and white notebook. I felt my hair  being pulled AGAIN!

I was too annoyed to ignore it. I turned my head around and talked in my regular tone. "So help me Monoma, I'll-"

"L/N, are you interrupting the class?" Mr. Kan asked cutting my threat off. The class was all eyes on me, some even snickering.

"Sorry Mr.Kan, it won't happen again" sounding extremely embarrassed. "Good." He said turning his back to the chalk board.

The final bell rang, and it was time to go. I put my notebook in my backpack, and quickly left still feeling embarrassed about being called out getting called on in the middle of the class.

As I was walking out of the school, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and seen the annoying blonde again.

"What do you want?" I asked sounding really annoyed, hinting that he should leave me alone.

"You never said what you were going to do with me" he said with an annoying tone.

"Does it matter? I could still beat your ass, you can't even control your quirk" I said not even looking back at him. The back of my head then felt wet.

I felt my hair with both of my hands and realized he sprayed me with water.

"Oh? You were saying" he said now walking in front of me. What a prick.

I walked to the train station and took a seat on the train.

Today wasn't bad, nor was it perfect I thought. It could have been worse. The train stopped, and I got off. I walked quickly to my house since it was dark out, and Nezu told me about street gangs usually out in the dark.

I unlocked the door and went up stairs to get changed and to dry my hair. As I looked in the mirror to dry my hair, I started to think about Monoma.

I did really like his eyes..even though he is a massive prick. I feel like I've seen him before, I just don't know where.

"Y/N" I hear a voice call. I went downstairs to see dinner already made.

"How do you do this so fast, I came home before you!?" I asked surprised.

  "It's probably because you take an hour getting changed in your room" he said putting the plates on the table.

"Ha ha, very funny dad" I said in a funny mocking tone. "How was your first day?" He asked.

"It was uhm..good?" I said not wanting to give much detail about the Monoma parts of my day.

"How about you?" I asked. "It was great, but exhausting since I had three meetings, and a whole crown of second years I had to deal with. " he replied. I yawned.

"You should be getting to bed Y/N, you don't want to be tired on your second day, do you?" He said.

"Yeah...goodnight dad" I yelled while going upstairs into my room.

I flopped on my bed and closed my eyes thinking and went to sleep.

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