First Day

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      BEEP!                          BEEP!                    BEEP!              BEEP!

It's so early...what day is it..? it Monday? I slowly opened my eyes and looked over at my calendar. My head then turns to my alarm clock that stopped beeping. I look at the time, it's 5:32 a.m. It's also Monday.

It's my first day at U.A!

I rolled off my bed on accident, which woke me up completely. "Ow.." I sighed. Wait. I should be more excited, but I'm so tired. Why did I spend most of the night reading a book I read countless times? Get a hold of yourself, Y/N, you are one step closer from becoming a hero, and you're complaining about being tired. I'm an idiot.

I got up and put my blanket back on my bed. I put my uniform on, and went into the bathroom  that was connected to my bedroom. I went inside and brushed my teeth, and fixed up my h/l, h/c hair.

I don't own any makeup, not because of my age, or anything, I just never liked putting stuff like that on my face. The only thing I've put on my lips was chapstick, which I barely put on because of my quirk. I went back into my room, and made my bed. "Ah, good as new".

I went downstairs to see a note on the kitchen table. Nezu left the note stating that he had to leave early because he had a lot of work he needed to do on the first day, since he is the principal and all.

I couldn't really eat a giant breakfast because of the time, so I grabbed an apple off the counter, and left. I walked outside of my house to see some students that made it into U.A just like me.

I felt kinda lonely though because there were groups of friends talking to each other, while I was walking alone. I never really made friends since I was home schooled my whole life. Home school was alright, I guess, I mean Nezu taught me everything I know!

I went to the train station, and got onto the bullet train. I sat down in a seat before it got packed with people. I wonder what 1-B will be like..what if I don't make friends, or I'm the weakest in the class?! Why do I always fill my head up with negative thoughts?

Nonsense, I'm sure they'll all be nice since they want to be heroes after all. I mean what kind of potential hero would be mean to another potential hero?

I got off at my stop, and started walking up to U.A High. I got this far, no one is going to ruin it for me!

While I was walking up the hill, I seen Midoriya!

"Hey Midoriya, wait up!" I yelled hoping he can hear me. "Oh, hey L/N" he said looking nervous. Now that I think about it, is his quirk being nervous, or something like that?

Ok, now I know I'm dumb for thinking that could be a quirk. I ran up to him to start a conversation.

"So what class will you be in?" I asked with a smile. "Class 1-A, you?" The broccoli boy said not sounding nervous anymore. "Awe..too bad, I'll be in 1-B, I'll see you in the halls I guess" I pouted. "Yeah..I should go find my class before I get lost, bye L/N!" He then left.

Welp, the only person I had an actual conversation with is in a different class, great. I should go inside and look for my class since U.A looks like a very big place.

I went inside and seen students trying to find their homeroom. It was so nice inside. I better start looking though.

After five minutes of looking for my homeroom, I finally found it! I slid open the door, and it looks like I'm early. I sat in a desk near the back.

There was a couple of people already in the class, like a girl with hazel Brown hair covering her eyes. I didn't want to go over and bother her though. I also seen a boy with dark black hair, with a white and blue headband on. He saw me and started to walk towards me.

"Hi, my name's Yosetsu Awase! I hope we can become friends." He held out his hand waiting for me to shake it. "Of course, my name is F/N L/N, it's nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand. He went back to his desk. I hope I didn't look weird.

The teacher wasn't in the classroom yet. More students came in and sat in available desks. I seen the orange haired girl again. She sat next to me. I didn't really want to make eye contact since I'm an anti-social potato. She tapped my shoulder.

"Hello fellow classmate" she said cheerfully. "My name is Itsuka Kendo, you can just call me Itsuka though, yours?" She had pretty green eyes. "My name is F/N L/N..nice to meet you.." I said shyly. I swear if another person asks for my name I might explode from anxiety.

I then seen the boy with blonde hair I've already seen a few times enter the classroom. He sat behind me. Now I'm really nervous, I kinda was hoping someone that I never talked to sat behind me because what if there's something in my hair, or on my back.

The teacher came in the classroom and everyone stopped their conversations. We all stared at him. He was huge! He looks like he could carry all of us on his shoulders without a sweat.

"Hello everyone, I am your teacher, you will call me Kan, Kan Sensei, or Mr. Kan. You all must respect each other, and the rules, if you break them there will be consequences. Also, we'll be doing something different from most of the classes on their first day, to get your gym uniforms on, and come out in the front of the school." He said with a serious expression.

The whole class nodded including me, and I went into the girl's locker room with all the other girls in the classroom.

I got  undressed in the corner of the girl's locker room hoping no one looks at me, or starts a conversation with me since I'm very insecure about my body. I finally got my gym clothes on, and headed outside to the front of the school.

As I waited outside, a boy with silver hair stood next to me. He's pretty ..uhm...buff..? What is wrong with me? I greeted myself to him so I didn't look like a shy, anti-social mess to people, which I half what am.

"That's a manly name! The name's Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu" That's an odd name, but I like it, and also, does my name really sound manly?

Once everyone was outside, our teacher, Mr. Kan, came out to explain what we're doing out here.

"You'll all be paired up into partners, and one of you will be on your partner's back, and one of you will carry your partner." He stated. "Sounds easy" Tetsutetsu said sounding overly confident.

"The catch is, only the person on the top can use their quirk, you'll be running from the school doors, to the entrance gate, and back, you'll be scored on time." The white spiky haired man said. " Do we pick partners?" A girl with vines for hair asked.

"Oh, you'll be picking from my lucky hero glove."

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