Training Camp (PT.3)

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[Finally, the last part of training camp. Enjoy fam.]

We got to the plain, boring, small classroom. I’m salty. “Kan Sensei, I’m positive I learned from my mistakes from the practical, I mean, I did get third in the sports festival” I explain. He nods. “Good, then you can explain why you are fit to be a hero, and tutor the rest of the people here.” He said. I sighed. It was a good shot.

 The door opened, showing five Class 1A students. “Oh strange, who do we have here?! Five members of Class 1A bombed the exams?! Hey look, there’s only two people from Class B!” Monoma spoke. I face palmed. He isn’t helping my case here. They looked worried for him.

 I turned my chair around to face them. “Sorry, he’s not always like this..” I say while Monoma is still laughing. “Let’s get studying.” Kan Sensei said.

 -Time Skip-

 While we were talking about what to do in a fight of a villain, we all heard Mandalay inside of our heads. It’s her quirk. “Stop talking.” Aizawa said.

“Two villains attacked us. There are awfully more coming. Everyone return to camp immediately! We’ll regroup. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH ANY ENEMIES!” she warned. My eyes shot opened. “I’ll look out for the other students.” Aizawa said and left.

 We started to panic a little. Moments later, some students from 1A come inside. Where’s the students from 1B? Are they alright? What’s exactly going on? What if they get hurt? Why are we here doing nothing?

 I know it’s against the law to fight villains without a hero license, but I just want to go out and fight them. I stood up out of my chair. “Kan Sensei! What if the rest are hurt?!” I yell while he stands in front of the door. “L/N, right now you can’t think about that.” Was all he said.

 We all heard Mandalay’s voice again. “We all have discovered one of the villain’s targets. It’s one of the students, Kacchan!” she says. “Bakugou?” Kirishima says confused. “Kacchan should try to avoid combat and acting independently.” She states. I look over to Kirishima again, and he looks broken. “Understand Kacchan?!” she says.

 Kirishima opens his mouth. “Come on, you heard what she said, didn’t you?! I can’t let them get my friend! You gotta go let me find him, please!” he yells at Kan. I know how he feels, my whole class still hasn’t came back here, or has been seen as okay.

 “Not a chance.” Kan sensei says. “But why not!?” Kirishima yells back. We all heard a door open. “Be quiet.” Kan Sensei said. “MOVE!” Kan Sensei yelled. I felt someone grab my waist to get my away from the door.

 Blue flames, everywhere. Kan Sensei hovered in front of us. Kan sensei trapped the villain using his quirk against the wall. The weird looking, patched villain opened his mouth. “You’ve already been defeated, regardless. So whatever happens to me, the two most trusted pillars of the super human society are linked together. U.A, the pinnacle of hero education, and All Might, the symbol of peace.”

 I clenched my fists. “You shut up! That’s not going to happen!” Kirishima yelled out. “Not our classmates” the boy named Iida yelled to him. “Not while we’re here.” The electric quirk boy cried out. “We won’t let you!” I scream.

 “It only took a handful of us to separate you from the pros, and start picking you off.” The villain laughed. “THAT’S ENOUGH!” Kan sensei yelled. Aizawa came in, kicking the villain, and turned him into, slime?

 Class 1A cheered for their teacher. “Another fake like before, you’ll be fine by yourself, the fire is still spreading through the forest however.” He said. Fire? My quirk. I have to give it a try.

 I walked towards Aizawa before he opened the door to leave. “Please. My quirk can stop the forest fire so it doesn’t cause anymore destruction to the forest, and the ones who are in it.” I say. He looked at me for a while.

 “Stay with me, and don’t attack.” He said. “WHAT? YOU CAN’T LET HER GO! WHAT IF SHE GETS HURT? AT LEAST LET ME COME WITH YOU, TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE! I CAN COPY HER QUIRK!” Monoma yelled. Aizawa turned to Kan sensei, and stared at him. Kan sensei gave him a nod, and gave Monoma, and me the go.

 We went out of the classroom, and went to the forest. We ran into Midoriya, who had blood on him. Aizawa warned him to go back to the classroom, but he didn’t listen. Me and Monoma started taking part of the fire out near us.

 Kendo, Tetsutetsu, Awase.. you better be okay! Aizawa lead us to another part of the forest where he hovered over us to protect us from the villains. Once we took out the fire from there, we turned around. Aizawa was no longer there. What the hell?

 “Stay back.” Monoma said. I nodded. We looked around us, until I spotted the patched face man from earlier. I tapped Monoma, and he noticed him to walking towards us with fire in his hand.

 “We can’t attack him.” Monoma said. “Unless he hurts us, I got it.” I said. “Look at you two lovebirds, trying to solve the problem. Too bad your skin will get burned off.” The villain laughed with a cruel tone. I clenched my fists, ready to attack him.

 He thrown his blue flames towards me, making my eyes sting. Monoma rushed at him with his right fist. The villain easily dodged, and grabbed his neck. He pushed him onto the ground with flames still coming out of his hand.

 “Who to kill first?” he joked. I was still blinded by his fire, but I could see, and hear what was still happening. The villain’s hand went to blast Neito’s face, but I quickly ran, and used myself as a shield. The words from Gang Orca came into my mind. “As a hero, you protect the ones you love! Sacrifice yourself for the ones you care most about!” Tears ran down my face.

 The pain. It felt as if boiling hot water was dry, and plastered on my skin. I screamed in agony. I forced myself into water, taking the flames off of me. The clone then stopped automatically. I fell down. I couldn’t see anything, and I could barely make out on what was happening around me.

 I felt hands over my head. “Wake up, don’t do this to me F/N..” A voice screamed. I was picked up, and heard sirens moments later.

 I opened my eyes a bit, and seen myself in an ambulance. It was about to take off, I guess? Monoma was fighting with one of the nurses. “Sir, you can’t see her right now, back away so we can let her get treated.”

 What a fun time here at the camp.

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