For Me?

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[Lmao, this chapter sucks. Oh well. Just a hundred something more reads until six thousand ;; Enjoy Fam.]


 Where am I? I don’t want to open my eyes. Last thing I remember was running in front of Neito before the.. villain could hit him. At least, that’s what I seen. I heard a lot of people yelling, doctors, I think Recovery Girl..?

 I open my eyes a bit to see my body in a hospital bed. It’s daylight. The television is on. What happened to my classmates? Are they okay? One of the nurses came inside the room after acknowledging I was awake.

 “L/N, if you feel better a whole group of people would like to see you.” The nurse said. She put her hand inside her pocket, and handed me a note.

 Dear F/N,


 I checked up on you after your surgeries, they weren’t that bad, but they were pretty..horrible. I don’t like the foolish thing you did, if you weren’t hurt, I would have gave you a whole book to study off of. I’m also proud of you though. I’ll see you tonight when you’ll be released.


                                                                                         Love, Dad

I sighed after reading the small note, and smiled. “So, would you like to see them?” The nurse asked me again. I nodded. After she left the room, I heard footsteps. Almost the whole class showed up.

 They all cried out my name when stepping inside the room. “Where’s Kodai, Tetsutetsu, and Monoma?” I ask confused. Kendo opened her mouth to speak.

 “Kodai is in her room, resting. No harm done to her, just the gas.” She said. “Tetsutetsu and I were fighting the villain to stop the gas, but the villain pulled out a revolver, and gave Tetsutetsu multiple blows to the head..” her voice toned down. “He is alright, but is also going through a little more surgery.” She explained.

 “Monoma said he had important things to do after visiting Kodai with us.” Kendo brought her tone back up. I nodded. I then remembered why the villains were there in the first place. “What happened to Bakugou?” I asked with a straight face. They all went silent.

 I put my head down. Awase changed the subject to something else, and they ended up staying in my room for twenty minutes before leaving.

 Since I had nothing better to do, I put on the television again. The news went on. Nezu, Aizawa, and Kan were on the news talking about the incident. I don’t want this to be their fault. It could have gone a different way.

 The news reporter kept talking about the victims, including me. The news reporter gave me an off vibe. He’s bringing up what would happen to Bakugou’s future with the villains. I remember that Bakugou had to be tied up for his medal at the Sports Festival, but I couldn’t imagine him as one of them.

 It’s six right now, and I don’t want to stay in this misery any longer. I signed myself out of the hospital, and started walking to the nearest train station. I caught myself hiding behind the bushes.

 It was Midoriya, Kirishima, Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki talking. They were talking about.. saving Bakugou?! They can’t! They’ll get themselves hurt, they aren’t being smart about this situation. I wanted to step in and say no, but this wasn’t my place. This wasn’t any of my business.

 If it were one of my classmates captured, I’d probably think of the same thing. Do the same thing. I have to ignore this. Forgive me Nezu. I walk passed them. “Don’t get yourselves hurt.” Was all I said, and Kirishima caught my shoulder.

 “L/N, I know we don’t really talk to each other, but, please don’t say anything.. for Bakugo.” Kirishima said with his head down, hand still on my shoulder. I nodded. “I don’t agree with half of what you’re doing, but please know that those villains are strong. If you guys get caught by the pros, I have nothing to do with this. If you get caught by the villains, maybe killed, that will be weight on my shoulders for the rest of my life, from not telling on you guys.” I sighed. “So please be careful.” I said, and walked away.

-Time Skip-

 I was in my room in the dark, watching what was happening. Tears running down my eyes. There’s so much happening. All Might Vs. All for One. I heard about him, Nezu told me a story about it when I was younger.

 I have faith in All Might. He isn’t the symbol of peace for nothing.

 -Another small Time Skip, Sorry Lmao-

 After watching the fight between All Might and All for One, I got a notification. I opened my messages.

 Text Messages:


Monoma: I’m coming to your house.


 What the heck? Why? It’s like five in the morning. I went to text him ‘no’, but I heard a knock at the door.

Is he already here? How?! So many questions. The last time I saw Monoma was when I jumped in front of him. This is going to be really awkward. I could always not answer. Screw it.

 I walked downstairs, and went to the door. I unlocked it, and seen Monoma with his head down. “Welcome to the house of shame, how may I help you?” I joke. He was still looking down. “Your voice..” he whispered.

 I felt a weird feeling. I looked turned my head downwards. “Monoma..” I begin, but was cut off. I felt a pair of arms around me. It was so sudden, and he was heavier than me. I fell down, bringing him down with me.

 “Stop being an idiot! I won’t let you go until you say sorry.” His voice cracked. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I couldn’t breathe. I put my arms around him, and sighed. “You know, I didn’t see you at the hospital, how was I supposed to comment on how I totally saved your life to everyone?” I chuckle.

 “Don’t be so dense. You could have died. For me?” His tone changed. He was still on top of me. His two arms were holding himself up from smacking his face against mine.

 “I’m trying to be a hero. Who’s the idiot now?” I smirk.

 Our faces got closer, until the cracked door went fully opened. I turned my eyes away from Monoma, and seen the most horrifying thing. I started making unrealistic noises from my mouth. Monoma gave me a weird look, and turned his head, and was surprised.

 The sight was Nezu. He was holding a bag of groceries, but now they were on the ground. “Principal Nezu?!” Monoma asked confusedly, getting up off of me.

 “F/N. Explain.” Nezu said, looking shook, and furious. I sat up, and rubbed my neck, nervously. 

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