U.S.J Attack

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I woke up from my alarm clock and let out a small yawn. I got up off of my bed and went into my bathroom. I wet my face, and brushed my teeth. I put my uniform on and fixed my hair.

I didn't bother eating breakfast today since my stomach usually hurts when I wake up. I went out the door and put my key in my backpack. I walked to the train station and got there early.

I'm so tireddddddd...

I sat down in the back. I got my phone out and looked at images of hair dryers. For some odd reason I hated hair dryers, so I searched evil hair dryers. As a result, it said you are crazy. I sighed.

"That's not weird at all." I looked over to my side and seen a laughing Monoma. "At least I don't stalk students from a different class for fun." He rolled his eyes. "At least I don't make friends with stupid people, oh, wait."

"Pfft, we're friends?" I smirked. "I'm offended" his voice sounding extremely sarcastic. I yawned. "Can you wake me up when the train stops?" I asked yawning again. "Yeah, whatever."

I closed my eyes and took a small nap.

Monoma's POV:

I agreed to wake L/N up when we got to our stop, she's lucky I'm in a good mood today, or I would have just mocked her and ignored her request.

I watched her fall asleep. I swear if she starts snoring, I'll cringe. I then felt her head hit my shoulder. I was slightly annoyed, but it didn't really bother me.

I'll just be a good 'friend', and let her sleep on my shoulder. If she drools I won't hesitate to squirt her with water though.

Your POV:

I felt a tap on my head and opened my eyes. I was leaning on something? I looked over to see myself on Monoma. I quickly sat up straight and blushed.

"This is our stop" he said while getting up off the train. I followed and started walking up to U.A. Monoma walked with two dudes from our class, which I was fine with. Why wouldn't I be?

Oh God, I better not turn into a yandere for psycho kazoo kid. I laughed to myself. I went into the school and went straight to my class. I sat down in my seat waiting for class to start.

Kan Sensei then walked into the classroom, and the class stopped their conversations, turning all their attention to him.

"Tomorrow you will all be going to the U.S.J, today class 1A is going, be sure not to be late tomorrow, or the bus will leave without you, questions?" Monoma raised his hand. Oh God, can't wait to hear this.

"Sir, why must 1A be before us? Why can't we go first for once?" That's his maniac tone. "Quit yapping, any other questions?" No one else raised their hands. "Then let's start the lesson."

-Time Skip-

"And that children, is how to dodge a hero-" Kan Sensei was then cut off from an alarm.

Everyone looked extremely confused. "Stay in your seats" he said in a serious tone. 

"Attention pro staff, there has been a problem at the U.S.J, quickly stop what you're doing, and come to my office, now." I heard Nezu on the announcements. What's going on?

"Stay in your seats, I'll be right back." With that, he left the class. The whole class started rambling on what just happened.

U.S.J? 1A? I hope Midoriya is okay.. I then heard a girl with vines for hair mumble "Thank God we didn't go today.." I started to worry more, what exactly is happening at the U.S.J right now?

"Looks like 1A is in the spot light once again." I heard a voice behind me say.

Everyone got quite at that remark. Why would he say that? Shouldn't he be worried about the students from 1A, instead of being jealous?

"Monoma, that's not something you should joke about, what if we went today instead?" Kendo spoke up.

"Don't you see Kendo, 1B will never get the spot light, it's only 1A" He replied leaning back on his chair. Now is not the time for fighting, one of them could be extremely hurt, or worse..

After a half an hour of mumbling, Kan Sensei entered the room.

"The problem has been taken care of." The whole class went quite. I raised my hand. "Yes, L/N?" I took a deep breath.

"Has anyone been hurt or anything?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that." This made me more worried.

"You guys will leave early today, we all sent messages to your guardians, please be safe when walking home." We all got ready to leave early.

"Oh, and the trip is cancelled till further notice." The whole class gasped.

  I was looking forward to that..it's fine though. We all walked out of the classroom and headed straight for the gate. I got to the train station and sat in the back. The train wasn't packed at all.

I then seen Monoma walk towards me. He looked pissed. He sat next to me and took out his phone. Yeah, I felt bad for 1A, but it does suck that our trip to the U.S.J was cancelled, but it is what it is.

I looked over to Monoma again, still looking pissed. "Hey, it's gonna be okay, at least we know we're safe if we don't go" I say trying to cheer him up.

"Safe? We could handle it, just like 1A handled it, we aren't weak" he said coldly. He was right and wrong. Yes, we aren't weak, but I doubt it was easy for 1A. I let out a sigh and waited for the train to stop at my stop.

Five minutes later I got up off my seat and walked off the train. It wasn't dark out yet, but I decided to not walk slowly and pay attention to my surroundings.

I got home and went into my room. I got changed and waited for Nezu to arrive.

-Time Skip-

I smelled food, meaning Nezu was cooking dinner. I walked downstairs and sat down at the kitchen table. He put a bowl of rice down in front of me, and I started eating. I then broke the silence.

"Is anyone from 1A hurt?" I asked.

"Y/N, you know I can't tell you." I looked down.

"No one is extremely hurt, just injuries that can be fixed up in an hour from recovery girl" he replied. I felt better after hearing that.

"Dad, this may come off rude, but why does this happen to 1A?" I only asked because of what Monoma said earlier. I didn't mean to come off as jealous.

"You know Y/N, I could always put you in 1A, you were supposed to be in there anyways. You can always change, just ask."

I put my bowl in the sink and went to my room. I closed my eyes. I could be in the spot light with them? I never cared about the fame though. Then Monoma's words popped in my head.

"We could have handled it the same way, we aren't weak."

  I won't leave my class for the spot light, if anything, I'll earn my way out.

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