Hero Suits

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The next day I woke up and got ready for my next day at U.A. Once I was done fixing my H/L H/C hair, I went downstairs to see breakfast at the table waiting for me along with Nezu.

"Good morning Y/N"

"Morning Dad, aren't you supposed to be at school already though?" I asked. "Well, I managed to get a little extra work done the other day, so I could spend breakfast time with you". "Awe..thanks Dad.." I crouched down to his level, and gave him a hug. He's the best.

I sat down and ate breakfast while Nezu was rambling about new rules for U.A. I looked at the clock on the wall of the kitchen and walked out the door. I walked out before Nezu because he wanted to finish his cup of tea.

I got to the train station and it was packed with people. God damn it..I knew I should have left earlier..

I got onto the train, and no seats were available, as expected. As I was walking to the back I seen a face I didn't want to see.

Wow..the train is full, and that blonde asshole is on here too. I turned around hoping he doesn't notice me. I cant walk away because someone was blocking a way out in front of me. If I don't look at him, he shouldn't look at me, simple.

As I was standing on the train for about two minutes now, I felt a tap on my back. I know that it's him, so I'm not gonna bother turning around to waste my time with him.

Couple seconds later I felt another tap on my back. He doesn't give up, does he?

"How ignorant" the blonde boy said. "Excuse me?" I turned my back around.

"I was going to make room on my seat so you could sit down, but now I don't know." I froze. "It's not like I wanted to sit next to you anyways" I said back. He got up off his seat and took a step near me.

He was pretty close. My face heated a little for some odd reason. He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me in his seat.

"Guess I'm the real hero in the situation" he says with a sly smile. I hated it, but I kinda loved it. The hell am I thinking? I hate people like him.

He turned around and before you know it, this was my stop. I got off the train and started walking up to U.A. While I was walking I seen Kendo and Tetsutetsu walking together, I jogged up to them hoping they wouldn't mind me.

"Hey L/N" Kendo said looking cheery, as always. She's so happy all the time. "What do you think we'll be doing?" I asked starting up a conversation.

"Hopefully some training" Tetsutetsu says. "Yeah, that would be nice" I say. We walk into school together going to the same class. As the class finds their seats, I wait for directions.

The class starts talking about what they hope they will be doing. Out of no where All Might comes bursting through the door. He said something along the lines of going through the door like a regular person. Sounds like he said it before.

"Today we'll be training, also today is when you get your hero suits." I'm so excited.

"Get changed and come meet me outside" he says pointing to the wardrobe of suits. I went over to get mine and headed straight to the girl's locker room.

I got changed in the corner since I didn't feel exactly comfortable with people seeing me change. I got done putting my hero suit on, and walked outside to All Might, waiting for the rest of the class.

I wore a black spaghetti strapped top (kinda like a black sports bra), a dark blue  silky skirt, so I could be able to run in it with no problem, along my skirt was a black belt with a regular water bottle on my left side, and my right, I also had black sneakers. To top it off, I wore a dark blue eyes mask.

As I was waiting, I swore I say Awase glance at me with a red face. Yeah, I know I'm showing a lot of skin, but at least my clothes won't soak when I use my quirk. I kinda feel embarrassed now...

"Your hero costume is creative, L/N" I heard Kendo yell while jogging up to me. Her hero costume was nice, but I wouldn't wear it. "Thanks, yours too" I replied with a smile.

All Might finally started to give directions for our training. It's like a weird role play, a heroes vs villains role play. It's basically a 2v2 match, which means we have to rely on our other team mate too. Great.

As the class was getting called up to pick a ball to determine their partner, I sipped some of my water from my right water bottle. I then went up to pick a ball and got the letter D. I was teamed with Pony.

I went over to her and we told each other some of our pros and cons, so we at least know some things about each other's quirk.

"The first teams going up is Team J and Team D, J playing the heroes, D playing the villains. You have five minutes to strategize."

I wonder who team J was, didn't matter right now though. "Pony, you should protect the rocket so if anyone comes in the door, you can ram into them with your horns, kinda like a surprise attack" I said sounding pretty confident.

"What about you, what if they gang up on you while you're alone down there" she says concerned. "Do you know who were up against?" I ask ignoring her question.

"Kendo and Monoma."

I smirked. "Don't worry about me, I got it all under control" I say with a plan already thought out. I walked downstairs , it was like a maze. This is gonna be easy, his quirk is water, it does no damage to me, if anything it makes me stronger.

"You may now start" the voice in my ear piece announced.

I walked down the halls, making no sound, trying to hear their footsteps. As soon as I heard footsteps, they both slid in front of me. Wasting no time, I blasted water out of the palms of my hands at them. Then something unexpected happened.

His hands grew five times larger and blocked my attack.

"The hell?" I say out loud.

"Kendo, you go, I'll take care of this" he says. She nodded and ran the opposite way. I blasted more water his way. He blocked all of that, walking closer to me.

I threw a punch at him, and he grabbed my body. He pinned me against the wall. "I thought your quirk was like mine" I say still confused. "Well, I mean, you're kinda right, but I can copy them when I touch people.

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