Chapter 24

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*one month later* *chapter warning, lots of fluff lol*

Bel and Boey had been home for a few weeks now, and nobody was ready for the restless nights, nor the constant feeding and the constant diaper changes.

Joel holds baby Boey in his arms, cradling him softly to keep him calm. His crystal blue eyes peeked up happily at his father, his chubby little hands reached up to grab Joel's thick rimmed glasses. Drool dripped all down the side of Boey's cheeks and fell onto his little pajamas.

Joel lightly touched Boey's light sand colored hair, feeling the soft strands of his short, smooth hair run past his rough fingertips.

Boey began fussing so Joel bounced him in his loving arms, softly singing lullabies to him as he walked through his house.

"Shh, Boey, it's okay. No need to cry." Joel smiles down at his son, hoping to make him stop crying, but that was proven to be no use.

Bel walked down the stairs sleepily and took Boey from Joel, fastly putting Boey to a sense of calmness.

"I guess what they say about the mother's touch is right. You've got something strong that nothing could match." Joel smiles at Bel.

"Right." Bel kisses the top of Boey's small head, holding his fragile frame against her chest.

"I don't how he likes you so much and he doesn't like me." Joel says.

"It's not that he doesn't like you. He's just a huge mama's boy." Bel smiles sweetly at Boey. "Yes you are! My sweet boy."

"You're so good at this whole mother thing and you've only been a mum for a month!"

"It's not so easy, as I'm sure you're realizing as well."

"Yeah, it's stressful. How're you holding up?" Joel places a friendly hand on Bel's arm.

"Good for the most part. I'm so not used to getting 5 hours of sleep every night though." Bel looks down at Boey, who is now sleeping soundly in her comforting arms.

"Me neither. You should take a break today. Ahren and I'll take Boey out for a little bit today, and you catch up on some sleep. Sound good?"

"I don't know, Joel, he's only a month old."

"C'mon, you need it. You've got bags under your eyes from not getting enough sleep." Joel says. "Don't you trust me?"

"Mmm, okay, but don't be out for too long please. I don't wanna miss you guys too much." Bel says with a yawn.

"Aw, don't worry. Ahren and I are somewhat responsible!" Joel says with a small laugh

"You're basically still children," Bel jokes, "it should be Boey taking you guys out."

"Shut up." Joel smiles, feeling warm hands grab around his back. "Well, good morning baby."

"Morning, Joel. Morning to you too, Bel." Ahren kisses the top of Boey's head. "And lets not forget the one who kept mommy up all night."

"You and I are gonna take Boey out to see the world today so Bel can have an off day today." Joel squeezes Ahren's hand.

"Ooh okay. I can't believe Bel agreed to it."

"I didn't like the idea, but I'm super exhausted, so why not." Bel runs her hand up and down Boey's back. "You guys have fun. I'll have dinner ready by the time you get back."

"Okay then, let's go!" Joel exclaims way too loud, taking Boey in his arms. "Ahren, go get the keys."

Ahren follows Joel's order as Joel packs a diaper bag for Boey and heads out the door. He places his fragile son in his tiny carseat, buckling him in safely before starting the car and heading off for the day.

Ahren places his hand on Joel's thigh. "Where are we going?"

"To the beach, of course. Where else would we go?"

"Shoulda known. That's your favourite place to go isn't it?" Ahren smiles, looking in the rear view mirror at Boey sleeping and snoring softly.

"Yeah it is. And I'm glad I get to take two of my three favourite people with me." Joel puts on his turn signal and pulls into the dark yellow sand, then parks his car. He opens his door, instantly smelling the clean smell of water. Joel pulls a sleeping Boey out of his car seat and walks towards the small waves crashing against the shore, Ahren following close behind with a diaper bag weighing his arms down.

Joel sets his baby down on a towel he had laid on the hot sand and takes his shirt off. Ahren caught a view and whistled, earning a smile and an eye roll from Joel.

After Ahren and Joel finish changing into their beach attire, Joel picks up Boey and walks with Ahren up and down the coast, their bare feet wading in the cool Australian water.

"It's been a while since we got some alone time." Ahren looks up at his tall husband. "Only it's weird this time since we have a baby with us."

"I know, I'm sorry I haven't been there for you." Joel apologizes.

"It's alright. I believe you, and I believe you'll quit alcohol for us." Ahren squeezes Joel's hand, smiling contently to himself.

"I'm trying my hardest, baby, it's just hard right now."

"Don't worry about that now. You're here at your favourite place with Boey and I. You should be spending your time with us instead of thinking badly and making bad choices."

"You're so smart, Ahren." Joel says appreciatively.

"I love you, Joel Birch."

"I love you too, Ahren Stringer. And I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd probably be dead right now. Instead, I'm living my life that I love with the people I love." Joel says proudly.

"Don't leave it all on me. You had to have some confidence in yourself in order to make it here."

"Okay, believe what you want, dear. I just want you to know that you're the thing that means most to me."

"Joel, I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. There's no one else I'd rather be with than you."

Joel kisses Ahren's cheek. "I'm glad I can say the same."

The rest of the day was spent happily walking along the coast of Australia, Ahren and Joel stayed until sunset. Bel wasn't the exact happiest about that, but they went home before Boey fell asleep. Safe to say they all got a full night's sleep, thanks to Boey.

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