Chapter 3

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*What do you guys think about the new song? (Feels like I'm dying) I don't know how to feel about it to be honest. Ivy is definitely better in my opinion.. I think Joel singing is amazing!*

"I'll text my boss today to see if I can get you a job there. I'll pull a sickie so we can work on getting you better." I say.

Joel just smiles.

"Let's start at clothes." I look at his stained shirt and pants. "We need to get you a new wardrobe. I'll let you pick out whatever you want."


I bring Joel to the thrift store and he picks out a few outfits.

"What do we do now?" He asks.

"Haircut. Your hair looks so horrible."

"What?" He looks in the mirror of my car. "I think it's fine."

"It's not, trust me." I laugh. "Off to the stylist."

Joel gets a normal short cut, one that leaves his natural curly hair short.

"You were right Ahren. I look way better."

"Next, we go to the bank to set you up a bank account so you can save money."

It takes about an hour to set it up, then we head off to our next place.

"We need to get you a good shower. Looks like you could use a good relaxing one." I say as I unlock my front door and walk in.

"Ugh, I could. Where's your bathroom?"

"Over there." I point to the room next to my bedroom.

"Thanks." He walks to the bathroom and takes a long shower. I thought I heard screaming so I listened closer. It wasn't screaming, just Joel singing. And boy, was he good. I hear the water turn off and hear him yell my name. "Ahren!"

"What? Do you need something?"

Joel walks out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist, leaving his dripping body exposed. He runs his fingers through his newly cut hair. "I forgot my clothes. Where did we put them?"

Don't ask me why, because I don't even have a clear answer for this, but all I could think was, "You don't need those."

But instead, I just said, "Over there." I bit my lip as he turned around to get his clothes.

"Thanks." He mutters and walks back into the bathroom to change. After he changes, he sits down on my couch. "So, what's next?"

"We need to find you a place for solid living. Buuut, the places around here aren't cheap, so I don't know what to do."

"Your place is roomy, I guess. I could stay here if you want." Joel suggests.

"Oh, I don't know about that. It's really relatively tiny. But I guess you could stay here under one condition."

"Yeah? What's that?"

"No getting high or pissed all the time. Every once in a while, but don't overdo it."

"I guess I could do that. I told you that you wouldn't regret anything, mate." Joel says confidently.

"Well, now we have to check up on that job." I say and pull out my phone. I check my texts to see that my boss texted me, letting me know that Joel could have the job.

"Congrats, mate. Ya got the job!" I say and show Joel the messages.

"Ah, yes! Where do you work, may I ask?" Joel asks.

"A guitar shop downtown. I'm really into music, ya know? And I heard you singing in the shower, you're really fucking good." I compliment.

Joel blushes. "I've been practicing quite a bit. I didn't mean for you to hear, though."

"Well, it's bloody good."

"Thanks. When do I start working?" He asks.

"Tomorrow, I guess. But we have one more thing to work on for getting you better. New mates."

"I'm not good at the whole 'mates' thing. I usually mess up my relationships anyway."

"I didn't think I was either, but now I have so many mates. I think you'll like 'em. Give it a chance?" I try to convince him.

"Hmm... Fine."

"Yess! There's a party tomorrow at my mate Dan's house. You're up to go?"

"Yeah, I guess."

(Thank you for reading! It's very much appreciated! And, another side note, in the stories I write, sometimes I tend to change up the character's personalities a bit, so if it doesn't seem like something Ahren or Joel do or say, I'm sorry! I'm a relatively new TAA fan so I don't know their personalities as much as long time fans. Sorry this chapter is so short I have bad writers block but I'll have the next chapter out in the next few days. SORRY I'LL STOP TALKING NOW) 

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