Chapter 6

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*some content in this may trigger people a bit, so just a warning. It's a smut warning. This is a generally boring chapter so I'm just trying to spice it up :)*

I post an ad and within a few days I get a text from my mate Ryan. Hey, String. Heard you needed a drummer for a band.

I open my eyes wide at my screen. Man, I didn't know you were a drummer. Since when?!

Known how to since I was a kid.

Ahh sick.

I see a message appear at the top of my screen. From Dan. I can be a guitarist for your band if you want

What the hell is going on? How did I not know that my best mates knew how to play instruments?

Dude how did I not know you knew how to play a fuckin guitar??

I told you bunches of times String...

I was probably drunk haha

"Joel!" I yell for him to tell him that we got people for our band.

"What?" He asks and steps into the living room of my house. "Something wrong?"

"No, something good!"

"Oh, well, what is it?" Joel sits down on my couch.

"We got ourselves a drummer and guitarist." I announce proudly.


"Remember my mates Ryan and Dan?"

Joel nods.

"Well, apparently Ryan's a drummer and Dan's a guitarist." I say.

"Woah, really?"

"Yeah, I had no idea either."

"That's good that they can play, makes it simpler for us to get along with the band members." Joel says and grabs a notebook and pen.

"Whatcha doing?" I ask.

"You nosey shit." He smirks. "I'm writing lyrics."

"Ooh. What's it called?"

"I heart throbsy. I've already got two others written." Joel says and looks up from his notebook for a second before looking back down and jotting down words.


"Can I ask a favor from you?" Joel asks softly.

"Yeah, whaddaya need?"

"I need a singer. I'm the screamer, but I need to know if you could sing the clean parts?"

"I dunno, mate. I never sang before. I've no idea how to or if I'm any good." I shake my head.

"C'mon, Ahren. I need a clean singer. Sing somethin' for me right here." Joel whines.

"Mmm... Fine." I sing a short song in front of Joel and he drops his jaw.

"That was bloody great, Ahren."

"Meh. But I guess if you like it then I can sing."

"I really did like it. But we have another dilemma. We still have to find a record label willing to take us." He rolls his eyes.

"Alright, I'll look around for one." I sigh.

"I'm only writing an EP, so we can have music out fast."

All Fucked Up//Jahren ffWhere stories live. Discover now