Chapter 14

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"Okay, Joel, I'm leaving. I'll see you later." Ahren plants a kiss on Joel's cheek as he walks towards the door.

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you too." Ahren gets in his car. The engine revs as he speeds down the street, off to his mate's house.

Ahren knocks on Dan's door. It opens on the third knock, Dan stands at the door smiling widely at his long missed mate.

"Hey, how's it goin'?" Dan pulls Ahren into a hug.

"Pretty well for the most part, and yourself?" Ahren steps inside Dan's house.

"Not so bad, mate." Dan lights a cigarette. "How's Joel?"

Ahren wanted to come to Dan's house just to forget about Joel, so he didn't want to talk about it. But Dan was his best mate, so he had to. "Y'know, he's great. He's been fooling around with drugs a bit but he's been off of them for about a week now."

"Oh, I didn't know that." Dan slides Ahren a beer across the table. "You seem down."

"Well, I mean, kinda, but it's nothing to worry about." Ahren cracks his Bud Light open.

"Of course it's fucking something to worry about." Dan looks Ahren straight in the eyes. "Tell me what's going on in that fucked up head of yours."

"Hmm.. Lemme start off by saying this- Joel wants a child."

A short pause silences the room, before Dan breaks it saying, "What? Are you adopting?"

"No." Ahren shakes his head. "He's got a girl living with us, apparently someone he met in Uni."

"He's knocking someone up?"


"And you're okay with that..?" Dan raises his eyebrow.

"I'm a bit jealous, I'm not gonna lie. She's spent the past two nights with him, and I just feel sort of left out and useless right now." Ahren takes a gulp of his beer, letting the cool, almost bitter liquid trail down his throat, calming the storm of rage threatening to let loose.

"That's fucked up. I'm sorry, String."

"It's fine, y'know, she's making Joel's dream of having a child of his own come true."

"How long's she staying with you guys?" Dan asks, now intrigued in the topic.

"Forever now, I guess." Ahren sighs, taking another sip of his beer. "She is the mother after all."

"Fuck, dude, that must suck." Dan was married, but he knew how Ahren felt when it came to relationships. He knew Ahren always liked loyalty and sticking to one person.

"Yeah but she's nice I guess. I've never really talked to her, so I don't really know her that well. I have no reason to really hate her." Ahren started to get a buzz after Dan got him another beer.

"So, does she share a room with Joel or does she have her own room?"

"I have no idea if she's spending the nights with Joel. So far as I know she has her own room, but I don't know what she's doing currently as far as sleeping conditions. And frankly, I don't want to know." Ahren admits, tears threatening to spill from his bloodshot eyes.

"I don't even like to think about what they do. It gives me anxiety." Ahren says with a shiver creeping down his spine.

"Good for you, Ahren. It's good for you to give them some space right now."

Ahren shrugs, his vision getting blurrier and blurrier by the sip.

Ahren wanted this night to be forgotten. He hated people seeing his weak side, especially now that he's nearly drunk and can't keep mind of his words.

"Maybe I'm just not supposed to be in relationships. Maybe I'm not meant for love." Ahren slurs and rests his head on his arms crossed on the table.

"Aw, don't talk like that, String. You're one of the most caring people I've ever met, 'n whoever's with you deserves the fuck outta you." Dan says, also drunk now too.

"Whatever. I'm gonna head home now. I'd better talk to Joel." Ahren stands up and finishes the last of his 4th beer.

"Alright, mate, nice seein' ya." Dan hugs Ahren goodbye. "Hey, and don't forget..." Dan pauses and throws up all over Ahren. Ahren pulls away quickly.

"What the fuck?" Ahren yells.

"Sorry. Anywayyy, don't forget that you're the fuckin bomb."

"M'kay, see ya later, Dan." Ahren laughs drunkenly and gets in his car.

Ahren didn't care what he did right now, he just wanted to sleep. He knew it wasn't safe, but he didn't care.

He did make it home safely, however. Ahren walks through his front door and hears Joel and Bel, doing their business. Ahren immediately becomes overwhelmed with anger, and with alcohol in his system, this wasn't helping his case.

He stomped through the house and busted through his bedroom door, interrupting Joel and Bel.

"Ahren, what the fuck?" Joel pulls the covers over Bel.

"You made me this way." Ahren says through clenched teeth.

"What are you talking about, honey?" Joel asks, trying to calm Ahren.

Ahren ignores Joel and looks Bel straight in the eyes.

Joel quickly pulls his boxers back on his body and tackles Ahren just as he lept toward Bel. Ahren had fury behind his still bloodshot eyes.

"What the hell?" Joel yells. Ahren tries to fight against Joel's hold on his hands, but Ahren was no match for Joel's strength.

Once Ahren calmed down a bit, Joel took him out of the room and sat him down on the couch.

"What the bloody hell was that?" Joel asks, generally confused at what just happened.

"I'm can't believe you cheated on me." Ahren says through gritted teeth.

"What are you talking about? Ahren you know that I was having sex with her for a baby. I don't deserve that and Bel sure doesn't deserve that."

Ahren cried into Joel's chest, pulling fistfuls of Joel's shirt in his hands. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, just don't do that to me or Bel ever again." Joel clutches Ahren closer to his chest, but pushes away, repulsed by the strong, horrible stench of alcohol reeking off Ahren's clothes. "It's didn't realize you had alcohol. That's why you're so emotional."

Bel walks out of her room, appearing in the living room with a robe tied around her slim body. "Is everything alright?"

Joel rubs Ahren's back, comfortingly. "Yeah, it's fine, Bel. Go to sleep, now." He reassures her and she leaves with a small smile.

"Are you okay now, Ahren?" Joel whispers.

"I-I'm okay, yes." Ahren sniffles. "Thank you."

"Anything for you." Joel presses his lips against the side of Ahren's neck and smiles.

"I love you, Joely." Ahren sobs.

"I love you too."

Ahren tightens his grip on Joel's middle, hugging him closer.

"Baby, I hate to leave you, but I have a photo shoot tomorrow, so you'll be home alone with Bel." Joel says. "Is that alright?"

"Yes." Ahren wipes the tears from off his cheeks with Joel's shirt.

"I'd like for you to help her get her room organized tomorrow, please. And don't be nasty to her."

"I won't." Ahren promises. "I'm tired."

"Me too." Joel giggles. "Let's go to bed, then."

Joel takes Ahren's hand and drags him into their bedroom, laying their heavy bodies down, letting all their worries fade away as they cuddled each other closely.

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